Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hangover Match 2014

I hope it won't be this bad...

I'd also like to take the time to remind folks that when matches have sold out, there is little we can do to accommodate folks: we went to online processing expressly to have an equitable way in which to register folks for match.

Additionally, I'd like to remind folks that there are no refunds/reschedules/etc if you don't show...

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 1/1/2014


Stages are HERE

Classifier will be "Fluffy Revenge" CM06-05

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8th Results

We feel that the weekend match concept worked out rather well - in the future we're going to continue with it. When we get the next dates, I'll be sure to post on the calendar.

Thanks for everyone chipping in - it is much appreciated!

Lastly - we may have another slot for the 2014 Single Stack Nationals? Anyone interested?
(Gotta hurry since advanced reg is only good until 12/31!)

Place Name             Division     PF L  Points   Stg %   
   1 Axxxxx, Dimitri   Production  Minor  399.4660 100.00%
   2 Sxxxxx, Josep     Limited     Major  397.9910  99.63%
   3 Kxxxxx, Max       Limited     Major  345.0314  86.37%  
   4 Sxxxxx, Mark      Single Stk  Major  333.3144  83.44%
   5 Cxxxxx, Jason     Production  Minor  332.8677  83.33%
   6 Kxxxxx, Chris     Open        Major  325.0000  81.36% 
   7 Bxxxxx, Pabl      Production  Minor  322.3391  80.69%
   8 Ixxxxx, Alex      Production  Minor  299.6970  75.02%   
   9 Kxxxxx, Milan     Production  Minor  289.1297  72.38%
  10 Rxxxxx, David     Production  Minor  283.2909  70.92%
  11 Nxxxxx, Ed        Production  Minor  280.3453  70.18%
  12 Axxxxx, Tony      Limited 10  Major  268.0389  67.10%  
  13 Rxxxxx, Herb      Open        Minor  241.0657  60.35%  
  14 Hxxxxx, Steve     Production  Minor  235.0537  58.84%
  15 Jxxxxx, Goran     Production  Minor  231.3895  57.92%
  16 Kxxxxx, Emil      Production  Minor  227.6981  57.00% 
  17 Dxxxxx, Luke      Production  Minor  224.9971  56.32%
  18 Bxxxxx, Terry     Production  Minor  218.9532  54.81%  
  19 Pxxxxx, Tom       Revolver    Major  178.0637  44.58% 
  20 Dxxxxx, Linda     Production  Minor  175.6811  43.98%
  21 Fxxxxx, Laura     Production  Minor  114.5712  28.68%    

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Many hands make light work...

I got a chance to observe the match last night and I see a lot of folks leaving as soon as they are done shooting, leaving the same set of guys to handle clean up and etc.

Now, I get that some of us have to drive far and long to get home, or that some of us have to get up early, but sometimes a little help goes a long way in ensuring that those same guys don't get burned out before they do their own "long drives" and "getting up early".

If in doubt, ask Tom, Terry, Kozy, Herb, or Les what you can do - even if it is taking a few targets out to the dumpster on your way back to the car....

"Many hands make light work"

December 4th Results

Place Name               Division     PF L  Points   Stg %
   1 Cxxxxx, Jason       Limited     Minor  340.0578 100.00%
   2 Bxxxxx, Allen       Limited     Major  309.9248  91.14%  
   3 Jxxxxx, Eli         Limited     Minor  304.7957  89.63%
   4 Dxxxxx, Kerry       Production  Minor  287.2693  84.48%  
   5 Cxxxxx, Jason       Production  Minor  276.1636  81.21%
   6 Dxxxxx, Russell     Production  Minor  275.2150  80.93%
   7 Bxxxxx, Mikhail     Limited     Major  274.6383  80.76%
   8 Axxxxx, Tony        Limited 10  Major  272.6874  80.19% 
   9 Lxxxxx, Rob         Production  Minor  263.0628  77.36% 
  10 Bxxxxx, William     Production  Minor  261.2250  76.82%
  11 Axxxxx, Dimitri     Production  Minor  254.8813  74.95%
  12 Kxxxxx, Emil        Production  Minor  252.8892  74.37%
  13 Rxxxxx, Herb        Open        Minor  233.4677  68.66% 
  14 Hxxxxx, Tony        Limited     Major  227.1784  66.81%
  15 Bxxxxx, Terry       Production  Minor  225.7626  66.39% 
  16 Sxxxxx, Ken         Limited     Major  215.6210  63.41% 
  17 Nxxxxx, Ed          Production  Minor  207.5496  61.03%
  18 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production  Minor  200.6912  59.02%
  19 Jxxxxx, Chris       Limited 10  Major  200.5596  58.98%
  20 Bxxxxx, Tom         Production  Minor  187.7024  55.20%
  21 Hxxxxx, Rick        Limited 10  Major  184.9561  54.39%
  22 Bxxxxx, Rob         Production  Minor  180.4137  53.05% 
  23 Mxxxxx, Robert      Limited 10  Major  179.1164  52.67%
  24 Ixxxxx, Alex        Limited 10  Major  174.2035  51.23%  
  25 Sxxxxx, Rob         Production  Minor  166.4657  48.95%
  26 Gxxxxx, Jerry       Limited     Major  159.1847  46.81%
  27 Pxxxxx, Tom         Revolver    Major  156.7239  46.09%
  28 Fxxxxx, Michael     Production  Minor  152.5504  44.86%   
  29 Hxxxxx, Ray         Production  Minor   59.2119  17.41%

Clarification: weak hand or strong hand shots means that you cannot use the other hand to support the shooting arm. An arm is defined as "an upper limb from shoulder to hand"...

December 8th, 2013 Registration

Sunday match registration

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 12/08/2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 4th, 2013 Registration

As a reminder: Alpha Range members can register starting at 8AM.

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 12/04/2013


Classifier is going to be "Bang and Clang"

Other Stages

Monday, November 25, 2013

Attention... Attention... Attention...

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We sincerely hope that you have a safe and restful holiday!
  2. We will be allowing Alpha Range members to register a bit earlier for the USPSA matches - starting at 8AM on Sunday.
  3. We're going to "test run" a Sunday morning match on December 8th, 2013 at 8AM. Registration will open up the Thursday before the match at 8PM. Alpha Range member will be able to register starting at 8AM.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013 Scores

Pizza HO Match

Place Name               Division       Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxxx, Chris       Open           526.3154 100.00%
   2 Kxxxxx, Les         Production     517.9835  98.42%
   3 Axxxxx, Dimitry     Production     447.0413  84.94%
   4 Bxxxxx, Allen       Limited        426.4028  81.02%  
   5 Bxxxxx, Mikhail     Limited        426.1396  80.97%
   6 Dxxxxx, Russell     Production     400.4716  76.09%
   7 Jxxxxx, Eli         Limited        393.7849  74.82%
   8 Dxxxxx, Kerry       Production     393.3696  74.74%  
   9 Lxxxxx, Rob         Production     367.8610  69.89% 
  10 Kxxxxx, Maxwell     Limited        355.5395  67.55% 
  11 Rxxxxx, Herb        Open           342.1166  65.00% 
  12 Mxxxxx, Robert      Limited        338.6665  64.35%
  13 Rxxxxx, David       Production     336.7474  63.98%
  14 Bxxxxx, Terry       Limited 10     329.1563  62.54% 
  15 Fxxxxx, Michael     Production     323.3831  61.44%   
  16 Jxxxxx, Chris       Limited 10     318.5471  60.52%
  17 Kxxxxx, Michael     Limited        317.6767  60.36%
  18 Cxxxxx, Andy        Limited 10     300.8492  57.16%
  19 Kxxxxx, Emil        Production     298.2655  56.67%
  20 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production     277.5834  52.74%
  21 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production     235.7204  44.79%
  22 Sxxxxx, Kenneth     Limited        219.7413  41.75% 
  23 Hxxxxx, Steve       Production     217.3381  41.29%
  24 Pxxxxx, Tom         Revolver       216.0543  41.05%
  25 Hxxxxx, Rick        Limited 10     215.9942  41.04%
  26 Bxxxxx, Larry       Single Stk     211.5496  40.19%
  27 Dxxxxx, Luke        Production     164.1836  31.19%
  28 Kxxxxx, Ron         Production     141.5123  26.89%
  29 Hxxxxx, Ray         Production      28.9717   5.50%

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 6th, 2013 Scores

Place Name               Division      Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxxx, Chris       Open          450.0000 100.00%
   2 Bxxxxx, Allen       Limited       358.9141  79.76%  
   3 Mxxxxx, Mike        Limited       349.8129  77.74% 
   4 Dxxxxx, Matt        Production    319.1131  70.91%
   5 Axxxxx, Dimitry     Production    284.2347  63.16%
   6 Axxxxx, Tony        Limited 10    262.2026  58.27% 
   7 Kxxxxx, Maxwell     Limited       256.5255  57.01% 
   8 Bxxxxx, Terry       Production    251.8718  55.97% 
   9 Jxxxxx, Chris       Limited 10    221.1205  49.14%
  10 Mxxxxx, Robert      Limited       219.8937  48.87%
  11 Bxxxxx, Larry       Production    219.0426  48.68%
  12 Ixxxxx, Alex        Production    218.9851  48.66%  
  13 Kxxxxx, Emil        Production    216.8762  48.19%
  14 Bxxxxx, William     Production    207.7182  46.16%
  15 Cxxxxx, Andy        Single Stk    200.6969  44.60%
  16 Rxxxxx, David       Production    194.1703  43.15%
  17 Hxxxxx, Steve       Production    194.0331  43.12%
  18 Dxxxxx, Luke        Production    190.6698  42.37%
  19 Rxxxxx, Herb        Limited       180.1828  40.04% 
  20 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production    176.7862  39.29%
  21 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production    175.0702  38.90%
  22 Bxxxxx, Rob         Production    173.5996  38.58% 
  23 Gxxxxx, Connor      Production    158.1958  35.15%
  24 Cxxxxx, Frank       Single Stk    139.7218  31.05%  
  25 Kxxxxx, Les         Production    137.5525  30.57%
  26 Pxxxxx, Tom         Revolver      136.8219  30.40%

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013 Scores

Halloween 2013 take 2
Match Date: 10/30/2013

Place Name              Division      Points   Stg %
   1 Mxxxx, Mike        Limited       418.5176 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx, Les         Production    410.6855  98.13%
   3 Kxxxx, Chris       Open          391.8616  93.63%
   4 Bxxxx, Allen       Limited       367.6305  87.84%
   5 Bxxxx, Mikhail     Limited       361.2164  86.31%
   6 Axxxx, Dimitry     Production    343.0200  81.96%
   7 Rxxxx, Herb        Limited       332.1247  79.36%
   8 Lxxxx, Rob         Production    329.7061  78.78%
   9 Dxxxx, Matt        Production    325.0700  77.67%
  10 Bxxxx, Terry       Production    317.3642  75.83%
  11 Mxxxx, Robert      Limited       307.2332  73.41%
  12 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10    301.7376  72.10%
  13 Kxxxx, Maxwell     Production    299.7068  71.61%
  14 Kxxxx, Michael     Limited       298.1635  71.24%
  15 Bxxxx, William     Production    274.0763  65.49%
  16 Rxxxx, Dave        Production    262.4597  62.71%
  17 Bxxxx, Larry       Production    258.4980  61.77%
  18 Cxxxx, WIll        Production    257.3795  61.50%
  19 Kxxxx, Emil        Production    255.3062  61.00%
  20 Sxxxx, Robert      Production    255.0090  60.93%
  21 Dxxxx, Luke        Production    252.1898  60.26%
  22 Sxxxx, Robert      Production    251.5568  60.11%
  23 Hxxxx, Rick        Limited 10    225.9785  53.99%
  24 Jxxxx, Chris       Limited 10    208.3733  49.79%
  25 Pxxxx, Tom         Single Stk    198.5121  47.43%
  26 Kxxxx, Ron         Production    190.5821  45.54%
  27 Bxxxx, Robert      Production    179.5515  42.90%
  28 Hxxxx, Steve       Production    176.7197  42.23%
  29 Cxxxx, Andy        Limited 10    163.9165  39.17%

Monday, October 28, 2013

Score for October 16th, 2013

Match Date: 10/16/2013

Place Name              Division       Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris       Open           360.0000 100.00%
   2 Lxxxx, Ralph       Open           322.8265  89.67%
   3 Bxxxx, Allen       Limited        297.3919  82.61%
   4 Jxxxx, Eli         Limited        276.8586  76.91%
   5 Rxxxx, Herb        Limited        261.6029  72.67%
   6 Kxxxx, Mike        Limited        241.4518  67.07%
   7 Axxxx, Dimitry     Production     234.9159  65.25%
   8 Bxxxx, Terry       Production     224.2073  62.28%
   9 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10     221.5756  61.55%
  10 Jxxxx, Chris       Limited 10     220.6651  61.30%
  11 Kxxxx, Emil        Production     217.8549  60.52%
  12 Mxxxx, Rob         Limited        211.0698  58.63%
  13 Sxxxx, Rob         Production     206.1604  57.27%
  14 Cxxxx, Will        Production     204.6895  56.86%
  15 Bxxxx, Robby       Production     201.4601  55.96%
  16 Cxxxx, Andy        Limited 10     201.4463  55.96%
  17 Dxxxx, Luke        Production     200.1727  55.60%
  18 Bxxxx, Stefan      Limited        195.3336  54.26%
  19 Sxxxx, Rob         Production     187.9948  52.22%
  20 Hxxxx, Rick        Limited 10     177.0154  49.17%
  21 Bxxxx, John        Single Stk     173.3718  48.16%
  22 Bxxxx, Larry       Limited 10     173.1408  48.09%
  23 Exxxx, Bill        Production     172.7313  47.98%
  24 Hxxxx, Tony        Limited        147.8293  41.06%
  25 Cxxxx, Frank       Single Stk     134.4132  37.34%
  26 Fxxxx, Mike        Production       0.0000   0.00%

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Back to Nationals!

Rolling out to Tulsa, OK with Alex G and Matt D. to blast USPSA Production Nationals!

I know we'll bump into this guy:

Tom Palmer - Handling an arbitration... 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 2nd, 2013 Results

At the end of every match, we'll also post to - You'll have to search a bit, but it'll get the interim scores posted quickly. (I'll try to keep MISS in the title)

Place Name            Division     Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris     Open         345.3754 100.00%
   2 Bxxxx, Mikhail   Limited      296.0476  85.72%
   3 Kxxxx, Leslie    Production   273.9089  79.31%
   4 Bxxxx, Allen     Limited      250.5382  72.54%
   5 Bxxxx, Larry     Limited      247.0583  71.53%
   6 Rxxxx, Herb      Limited      235.9797  68.33%
   7 Txxxx, Amici     Limited 10   234.1141  67.79%
   8 Axxxx, Dimitri   Production   231.3469  66.98%
   9 Cxxxx, Jay       Production   229.8586  66.55%
  10 Fxxxx, Mike      Production   216.6604  62.73%
  11 Ixxxx, Alex      Production   212.8345  61.62%
  12 Lxxxx, Rob       Production   203.5907  58.95%
  13 Bxxxx, Aaron     Limited      202.6476  58.67%
  14 Cxxxx, Bill      Production   199.5102  57.77%
  15 Bxxxx, Robby     Production   198.7764  57.55%
  16 Pxxxx, Tom       Single Stk   185.2316  53.63%
  17 Sxxxx, Ken       Limited      183.9090  53.25%
  18 Kxxxx, Mike      Limited      176.3654  51.06%
  19 Bxxxx, Thomas    Production   173.0731  50.11%
  20 Jxxxx, Chris     Limited 10   172.6689  49.99%
  21 Sxxxx, Rob       Production   171.9952  49.80%
  22 Bxxxx, Terry     Production   163.5449  47.35%
  23 Hxxxx, Rick      Limited 10   159.9713  46.32%
  24 Hxxxx, Tony      Limited      159.5343  46.19%
  25 Dxxxx, Luke      Production   149.4484  43.27%
  26 Sxxxx, Rob       Production   138.4202  40.08%
  27 Cxxxx, Frank     Single Stk   129.9471  37.62%
  28 Hxxxx, Steve     Production   111.6263  32.32%
  29 Mxxxx, Rob       Production   107.8647  31.23%

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sorry rough start!

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 10/2/2013


  • El Pres 
  • 24 rd Comstock
  • 24 rd Comstock
  • 32 rd Comstock

Friday, September 27, 2013

July Scores

We had some issues with expired cards, reissuing of cards, then just plain forgetting about this stuff for a while...

Scores from the test match are now posted on USPSA and the Finals are here.

Place Name              Division    Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxx, Chris      Open        530.0000 100.00%
   2 Kxxx, Leslie     Production  440.2083  83.06%
   3 Dxxx, Kerry      Production  424.7078  80.13%
   4 Bxxx, Mikhail    Limited     397.4744  75.00%
   5 Axxx, Tony       Limited 10  351.1849  66.26%
   6 Bxxx, Allen      Limited     328.0338  61.89%
   7 Lxxx, Rob        Production  287.8290  54.31%
   8 Bxxx, Robbie     Production  267.9833  50.56%
   9 Kxxx, Emil       Production  266.1399  50.22%
  10 Lxxx, Luis       Limited 10  264.7236  49.95%
  11 Axxx, Dimitry    Production  257.2464  48.54%
  12 Pxxx, Tom        Single Stk  240.3495  45.35%
  13 Bxxx, Terry      Production  226.5215  42.74%
  14 Fxxx, Mike       Production  168.4532  31.78%
  15 Dxxx, Luke       Production  161.2662  30.43%
  16 Hxxx, Steve      Production  123.8290  23.36%

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Allen, Kozy and Tom walk into a bar...

Allen B flew out to Utah to try his hand at Nationals - finished 159th at 57% of the top dogs!
Finally, something taller than Allen!

Tom Palmer has been out there, hard at work running shooter!

Striking resemblance, really...

Kozy rented a fast car to go with his fast gun... Open Nationals starts tomorrow...

Nice shirt!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

And the winner is...

The winner of the Cubs raffle is Andy K! A co-worker of Les' who was nice enough to donate!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

This is wrong - they don't often win...

McHenry IPSC has 4 tickets to the Cubs vs Pirates night game at Wrigley on Tuesday September 24th!
$5.00 gets you a shot at all 4 tickets! Winner announced on 9/18 and posted on WIILSHOOT and MISS.

(Raffle proceeds benefit MISS equipment fund!)

Eventbrite - Cubs Raffle - Cubs vs Pirates!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Test Match...

As a way to thank some folks for coming out and helping to build walls, we ran a "test"/"thank you" match at our new home, the Alpha Range.

The new range opens up a lot of possibilities - those black walls are ballistic rated and we'll be examining just how much we can shoot into 'em...

The only downside is that we're going to have to cap attendance a bit more than in the past - we're examining the best way to do this now and before we start our regular season, will have the full details of the decision...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We finally have wall stands - and are working on installing hinges to the wall sections - we're going to try to do a "thank you" match on August 7th, 2013...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

SausageFest 2013: MISS Workday

Well, we build new wall sections - all that remains is to cut the steel to make 2x4 stands!

Thanks to all of those that helped out - either building or humping stuff outta the storage unit!

Wall Sections - Snow Fenced for safety!

Organized Conex!



Presented without further comment...

Who wants a little sausage?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Gone Fishing... See you in August

With several major matches coming up this month and some work to be done to prep for matches at Alpha, we decided to take a summer break and reconvene again in mid-August.

We'll send out notice for a work day and etc. to some of the hardcore guys soon enough...

See y'all later!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Scores from May 29, 2013

Hawks win 2-1!


Oh, you're here for the shooting, not the hockey? Kozy put the beatdown on me and stole my lunch money...

Was a nice end to an otherwise crazy busy season...

We'll be shooting more infrequently over the summer, probably once a month in the middle of the month - just check in here or at WIILSHOOT to find new dates, etc.

We'll also be sending out a "Help us out" note when we try to get some wall sections built for our new venue.

Many thanks to MikeW at On Target - our best wishes for his re-enlistment and re-deployment!

Many thanks to On Target for being such a great range and host organization - we're sad to go, but know that this move will make our lives easier...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sign up for May 29th, 2013

We will feature a man vs. man double elimination match on 5/29/2013! Afterwards, competitors are invited to Buffalo Wild Wings for an end of season banquet, courtesy of MISS (food's on us, beers is on you...)

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 5/29/2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sign up

Due to the holiday weekend signup will come tomorrow am at 9.

Sorry - my bad - first one I've managed to mess up

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 15, 2013 Scores

Ides of May
Place Name           Division     PF    Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris    Open        Major  387.5887 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx, Leslie   Production  Minor  374.0733  96.51%
   3 Cxxxx, Jason    Production  Minor  330.6276  85.30%
   4 Bxxxx, Allen    Limited     Minor  315.6208  81.43%
   5 Dxxxx, Kerry    Production  Minor  312.5486  80.64%
   6 Axxxx, Dimitry  Production  Minor  295.9650  76.36%
   7 Axxxx, Tony     Limited 10  Major  280.8495  72.46%
   8 Dxxxx, Russell  Production  Minor  265.0994  68.40%
   9 Jxxxx, Eli      Production  Minor  256.0568  66.06%
  10 Cxxxx, Bill     Production  Minor  248.0476  64.00%
  11 Bxxxx, Terry    Production  Minor  242.5983  62.59%
  12 Bxxxx, Robbie   Production  Minor  240.4119  62.03%
  13 kxxxx, Milan    Production  Minor  239.1264  61.70%
  14 Ixxxx, Alex     Production  Minor  235.2422  60.69%
  15 Kxxxx, Emil     Production  Minor  234.7479  60.57%
  16 Lxxxx, Rob      Production  Minor  225.2942  58.13%
  17 Jxxxx, Chris    Limited 10  Major  214.7615  55.41%
  18 Mxxxx, Bob      Single Stk  Major  207.1508  53.45%
  19 Bxxxx, Larry    Limited     Major  205.9596  53.14%
  20 Kxxxx, Michael  Production  Minor  201.1073  51.89%
  21 Fxxxx, Mike     Production  Minor  200.1370  51.64%
  22 Gxxxx, Ted      Production  Minor  167.8177  43.30%
  23 Sxxxx, Tim      Production  Minor  161.1698  41.58%
  24 Fxxxx, Laura    Production  Minor  146.9888  37.92%
  25 Pxxxx, Tom      Single Stk  Major  127.7266  32.95%
  26 Fxxxx, Mike     Production  Minor   81.9475  21.14%
  27 Dxxxx, Gerry    Production  Minor   60.1969  15.53%
  28 Cxxxx, Frank    Single Stk  Major   26.7828   6.91%

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 15th, 2013 Stages

This is our last "scored match" at On Target: Please be sure to thank them for all that they've done for the club while we've been there!

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 5/15/2013


Ringing the Bell - Virginia Count, 18 rds

Get 'Em All - Comstock, 28 rds

Front Sight - Virginia Count, 12 rds

Boxed In - Comstock, 26 rds

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 1st, 2013 Results

Thank you to Kozy for providing the Chrono! With larger majors around the corner, it is nice to know that the ammo we're shooting is going to make power factor.

Additionally, in a month we're planning our move over to the Alpha Range - expect to shoot some more par-time steel/all steel matches as we figure out the wall situation over there.


Place Name              Division    PF     Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris       Open        Major  235.0000 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx, Leslie      Production  Minor  203.9270  86.78%
   3 Bxxxx, Allen       Limited     Major  171.3983  72.94% 
   4 Bxxxx, Pabl        Single Stk  Major  154.5318  65.76%
   5 Axxxx, Dimitry     Production  Minor  150.5836  64.08%
   6 Oxxxx, Russ        Single Stk  Major  149.8612  63.77%
   7 Jxxxx, Eli         Production  Minor  148.6710  63.26%
   8 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10  Major  140.7292  59.88%
   9 Cxxxx, Will        Production  Minor  133.2951  56.72%
  10 Pxxxx, Tom         Single Stk  Major  132.2919  56.29%
  11 Jxxxx, Chris       Limited 10  Major  116.6086  49.62%
  12 Dxxxx, Russell     Production  Minor  107.6705  45.82%
  13 Kxxxx, Michael     Production  Minor  102.0334  43.42%
  14 Axxxx, Helmut      Limited     Major   89.6917  38.17%
  15 Dxxxx, Luke        Production  Minor   81.4358  34.65%
  16 Mxxxx, Frank       Single Stk  Major   80.7118  34.35%
  17 Bxxxx, Robbie      Production  Minor   75.3129  32.05%
  18 Dxxxx, Richard     Production  Minor   74.8915  31.87%
  19 Hxxxx, Rick        Limited 10  Major   66.1292  28.14%
  20 Pxxxx, Jayson      Limited 10  Major   64.9384  27.63% 
  21 Hxxxx, Tony        Limited     Major   54.8169  23.33%
  22 Dxxxx, Gerry       Limited     Minor   48.1550  20.49%
  23 Rxxxx, Leroy       Production  Minor   44.7542  19.04%
  24 Cxxxx, Frank       Single Stk  Major   43.6738  18.58% 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

May 1st, 2013 Stages

Important Information!!

Since On Target is doing some repair, we'll be running 2 formal stages, one ? (maybe par time steel, like pro-am?) stage and will have a professional chronograph available for competitors to test their pet loads.

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 5/1/2013


Simple Speed Shoot - Virginia Count, 14 rds, 70 pts.

Strollin - Comstock, 24 rds, 120 pts.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Results for 4/17/2013

Due to problems with PractiScore and multiple competitor entires, scores have taken longer to post.
We will be locking the slave machines from now on - if there is an issue, a competitor is on the wrong squad, etc, go find the Match director and ask them to fix the issue on the master device.

Place Name          Division     PF     Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxx,Chris     Open        Major   366.7854 100.00%
   2 Dxxx,Kerry     Production  Minor   329.2980  89.78%
   3 Lxxx,Luis      Limited 10  Major   314.8039  85.83%
   4 Cxxx,Jason     Limited     Minor   290.2856  79.14%
   5 Axxx,Tony      Limited 10  Minor   290.1177  79.10%
   6 Pxxx,Dan       Limited     Major   290.0131  79.07%
   7 Axxx,Dimitry   Production  Minor   275.8215  75.20%
   8 Cxxx,Will      Production  Minor   260.0025  70.89%
   9 Jxxx,Eli       Production  Minor   254.0858  69.27%
  10 Axxx,Matt      Limited     Major   238.0729  64.91%
  11 Hxxx,Tony      Limited 10  Major   215.5478  58.77%
  12 Bxxx,Allen     Limited     Major   208.0611  56.73%
  13 Pxxx,Tom       Single Stk  Major   200.8265  54.75%
  14 Pxxx,Jayson    Limited 10  Major   200.5965  54.69%
  15 Bxxx,Robbie    Production  Minor   192.0004  52.35%
  16 Txxx,Dave      Production  Minor   184.8519  50.40%
  17 Axxx,Helmut    Limited     Major   178.5866  48.69%
  18 Cxxx,Andy      Limited 10  Major   178.4269  48.65%
  19 Dxxx,Gerry     Limited     Minor   173.2092  47.22%
  20 Mxxx,John      Single Stk  Major   169.6994  46.27%
  21 Fxxx,Mike      Production  Minor   167.1624  45.57%
  22 Hxxx,Rick      Limited 10  Major   160.2732  43.70%
  23 Kxxx,Ron       Limited 10  Major   146.7310  40.00%
  24 Mxxx,Frank     Limited     Minor   143.2323  39.05%
  25 Lxxx,Rob       Production  Minor   139.7518  38.10%
  26 Kxxx,Michael   Production  Minor   138.4490  37.75%
  27 Mxxx,Michael   Production  Minor   114.5977  31.24%
  28 Fxxx,Laura     Production  Minor   109.6285  29.89%
  29 Rxxx,Leroy     Production  Minor    96.2482  26.24%
  30 Dxxx,Luke      Production  Minor    84.4217  23.02%
  31 Lxxx,Jason     Single Stk  Minor    40.1881  10.96%
  32 Dxxx,Richard   Production  Minor     0.0000   0.00%

Sunday, April 14, 2013

2013 Elections & April 17th Stages


2013 elections are coming up, if anyone is interested. The current Executive Committee is intending to remain, and is composed of:

  • Kerry Dean, President
  • Tom Palmer, Range Master
  • Les Kismartoni, Match Director
If anyone is interested in running against one of the incumbents, they'll need to notify Les by April 29th, 2013 in writing (via email is fine).  

Elections will be on May 29th, after the last match at the annual banquet. 


Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 4/17/2013


Bender - Virginia Count, 24 rds, 120 pts.
Raw Deal - Virginia Count, 12 rds, 60 pts.
Sym House - Comstock, 28 rds, 140 pts.
Toy Store - Constock, 18 rds, 90 pts.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Scores for April 3rd, 2013

The regular membership voted tonight to adopt the by laws as set forth - in the next few days, we will begin amending the site to reflect new information.

The biggest change is the face that all competitors will now require membership with USPSA in order to be eligible to shoot a match.

Scores and classifier have been posted to USPSA. Final results are listed below.

Place Name            Division     PF       Points   Stg %  
   1 Kxxxx, Chris     Open        Major   420.0003 100.00% 
   2 Kxxxx, Leslie    Production  Minor   358.9054  85.45%
   3 Dxxxx, Kerry     Production  Minor   357.1405  85.03%   
   4 Bxxxx, Mikhail   Limited     Major   323.5614  77.04%
   5 Bxxxx, Allen     Limited     Major   300.5095  71.55%   
   6 Bxxxx, Terry     Limited 10  Major   292.7915  69.71%  
   7 Axxxx, Dimitry   Production  Minor   288.4579  68.68%
   8 Wxxxx, Mike      Production  Minor   273.9784  65.23%
   9 Lxxxx, Luis      Limited 10  Major   269.0024  64.05% 
  10 Dxxxx, Russell   Production  Minor   256.9432  61.18%
  11 Jxxxx, Eli       Production  Minor   249.7217  59.46%
  12 Bxxxx, Robbie    Production  Minor   248.8775  59.26%
  13 Cxxxx, Chris     Production  Minor   239.0428  56.91% 
  14 Mxxxx, Rob       Limited     Major   238.0743  56.68%
  15 Fxxxx, Mike      Production  Minor   233.8763  55.68%
  16 Nxxxx, Ed        Production  Minor   232.4869  55.35%
  17 Hxxxx, Tony      Limited 10  Major   230.2886  54.83% 
  18 Jxxxx, Chris     Limited 10  Major   226.1717  53.85% 
  19 Bxxxx, Stefan    Production  Minor   219.6123  52.29%
  20 Fxxxx, Mike      Production  Minor   214.8126  51.15%    
  21 Mxxxx, Michael   Production  Minor   214.4164  51.05%
  22 Pxxxx, Tom       Single Stk  Major   213.8321  50.91% 
  23 Bxxxx, Jeff      Production  Minor   208.4383  49.63%   
  24 Txxxx, Dave      Production  Minor   194.4508  46.30% 
  25 Gxxxx, Ted       Production  Minor   193.9527  46.18%   
  26 Dxxxx, Luke      Production  Minor   180.8292  43.05%
  27 Axxxx, Jeff      Production  Minor   173.3594  41.28%
  28 Gxxxx, Jerry     Single Stk  Major   162.9352  38.79%
  29 Axxxx, Helmut    Limited     Major   154.2378  36.72%
  30 Kxxxx, Michael   Production  Minor   142.8407  34.01% 
  31 Hxxxx, Rick      Limited 10  Major   141.9404  33.80%
  32 Kxxxx, Ron       Limited 10  Major   139.7951  33.28%
  33 Axxxx, Tony      Production  Minor   133.4319  31.77%  
  34 Cxxxx, Frank     Single Stk  Major   124.6425  29.68%   
  35 Jxxxx, Michael   Single Stk  Major   116.5885  27.76%  
  36 Gxxxx, Al        Production  Minor   102.5191  24.41%
  37 Rxxxx, Leroy     Production  Minor    83.4433  19.87%
  38 Pxxxx, Julian    Production  Minor    75.5451  17.99%  
  39 Gxxxx, Steve     Limited     Major     0.0000   0.00%  

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stages for April 3rd, 2013

Happy Easter!

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 4/3/2013


A Walk in the Park - Comstock, 32 rds, 160 pts
Greg's Theme Plus - Comstock, 12 rds, 60 pts
Nuevo El Presidente - Virginia Ct, 12 rds, 60 pts
Sentinel - Comstock, 30 rds, 150 pts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scores for March 20th, 2013

The bylaws have been modified, members will begin voting, by email later this week - check your email and see if you're an eligible voting member.

The Ides+5
Place Name              Division     PF Lady Points   Stg %   
   1 KXXXXX, Leslie     Production  Minor N  347.7450 100.00%
   2 CXXXXX, Jason      Limited     Major N  342.5703  98.51%
   3 BXXXXX, Mikhail    Limited     Major N  299.5037  86.13%
   4 BXXXXX, Allen      Limited     Major N  291.9242  83.95%   
   5 LXXXXX, Luis       Limited 10  Major N  246.1722  70.79% 
   6 AXXXXX, Tony       Limited 10  Major N  239.0187  68.73%  
   7 AXXXXX, Dimitry    Production  Minor N  238.8788  68.69%
   8 DXXXXX, Kerry      Production  Minor N  232.3578  66.82%   
   9 DXXXXX, Russell    Production  Minor N  228.6139  65.74%
  10 JXXXXX, Eli        Production  Minor N  216.1281  62.15%
  11 BXXXXX, Terry      Limited 10  Major N  214.9996  61.83%  
  12 BXXXXX, Robbie     Production  Minor N  211.2794  60.76%
  13 MXXXXX, Frank      Limited     Minor N  208.7802  60.04%
  14 KXXXXX, Emil       Production  Minor N  202.1529  58.13% 
  15 BXXXXX, Stefan     Limited     Major N  192.9818  55.50%
  16 PXXXXX, Tom        Single Stk  Major N  192.2788  55.29% 
  17 MXXXXX, Michael    Production  Minor N  186.4823  53.63%
  18 NXXXXX, Ed         Production  Minor N  179.7922  51.70%
  19 FXXXXX, Mike       Production  Minor N  167.2020  48.08%    
  20 HXXXXX, Rick       Production  Minor N  154.7157  44.49%
  21 PXXXXX, Jayson     Limited 10  Major N  151.4114  43.54%   
  22 SXXXXX, Jerry      Production  Minor N  141.7312  40.76%
  23 KXXXXX, Ron        Production  Minor N  130.2528  37.46%
  24 OXXXXX, Chris      Limited     Major N  120.1862  34.56%  
  25 CXXXXX, Frank      Single Stk  Major N  119.0705  34.24%   
  26 DXXXXX, Richard    Production  Minor N  114.2837  32.86%  
  27 KXXXXX, Michael    Production  Minor N  111.4196  32.04% 
  28 FXXXXX, Laura      Production  Minor Y  104.3584  30.01%    
  29 DXXXXX, Gerry      Limited     Minor N  103.4303  29.74%  
  30 RXXXXX, Leroy      Production  Minor N  101.4464  29.17%
  31 GXXXXX, Lynn       Production  Minor N   92.0345  26.47%
  32 JXXXXX, Michael    Single Stk  Major N   91.9451  26.44%  
  33 DXXXXX, Luke       Production  Minor N   88.4648  25.44%
  34 AXXXXX, Jeff       Production  Minor N   66.3684  19.09%
  35 DXXXXX, Linda      Production  Minor Y   53.4680  15.38%
  36 PXXXXX, Cindy      Single Stk  Minor Y    0.0000   0.00% 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stages for March 20th, 2013


Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 3/20/2013


Colt - Comstock, 28rds, 140 pts.

Office Party - Comstock, 24rds, 120 pts.

On The Upper Pad - CM99-56, Comstock, 12rds, 60 pts.

Think Yur Qwick? - Comstock 8rds, 40 pts.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Scores for March 6th, 2013

Scores for the last match are below, but first, please take the time to read our proposed by-laws...

We will contact eligible voting members by email, as adopted by last years participation-based motion, solicit comments/proposed changes, before voting for adoption at the March 26th match.

Please read the proposed by-laws here. (PDF)

Additionally, the folks showing up on the 6th, cobbled together $140.00 to donate to ISRA! We will send that along with a letter to ISRA, thanking them, tomorrow. (28 out of 30 isn't bad...)

Place Name            Division     PF   Points   Stg %
   1 GXXXX,Martin     Open        Major 425.0993 100.00%
   2 KXXXX,Chris      Open        Major 412.7988  97.11%
   3 BXXXX,Mikhail    Limited     Major 410.7941  96.63%
   4 CXXXX,Jason      Production  Minor 378.8398  89.12%
   5 KXXXX,Leslie     Production  Minor 377.5548  88.82%
   6 BXXXX,Terry      Limited 10  Major 325.9651  76.68%
   7 DXXXX,Russell    Production  Minor 306.8101  72.17%
   8 AXXXX,Dimitry    Production  Minor 304.7633  71.69%
   9 LXXXX,Luis       Production  Minor 300.7661  70.75%
  10 CXXXX,Chris      Production  Minor 285.3269  67.12%
  11 CXXXX,Will       Production  Minor 282.9410  66.56%
  12 AXXXX,Tony       Limited 10  Major 267.3024  62.88%
  13 PXXXX,Tom        Single Stk  Major 260.2978  61.23%
  14 NXXXX,Ed         Production  Minor 259.5270  61.05%
  15 HXXXX,Courtney   Production  Minor 257.6282  60.60%
  16 PXXXX,Jayson     Limited 10  Major 251.3202  59.12%
  17 TXXXX,Dave       Production  Minor 225.8827  53.14%
  18 FXXXX,Mike       Production  Minor 222.1233  52.25%
  19 MXXXX,Rob        Limited     Major 213.5923  50.25%
  20 CXXXX,Frank      Single Stk  Major 193.2126  45.45%
  21 OXXXX,Chris      Limited     Major 190.3510  44.78%
  22 TXXXX,Bryan      Open        Major 164.2032  38.63%
  23 AXXXX,Jeff       Production  Minor 161.2281  37.93%
  24 KXXXX,Michael    Production  Minor 150.8619  35.49%
  25 BXXXX,Rob        Production  Minor 149.0012  35.05%
  26 DXXXX,Richard    Production  Minor 148.4683  34.93%
  27 DXXXX,Luke       Production  Minor 130.6790  30.74%
  28 FXXXX,Laura      Production  Minor 126.1757  29.68%
  29 RXXXX,Leroy      Production  Minor 107.4576  25.28%
  30 TXXXX,Rochelle   Limited 10  Major 105.9935  24.93%

Sunday, March 3, 2013

IGOLD Benefit Match: Stages for March 6th, 2013


IGOLD is this Wednesday in Springfield, IL - the reality is that some of us have to work and can't reliably make the event. Additionally, the IPSC show must go on...

We will charge a reduced rate for our match, but will take up a $5.00 cash donation for ISRA.

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 3/6/2013


Can you Count - 20 rds, Virginia Count.

Now what? - 28 rds, Comstock.

Perry's Stage - 16 rds, Comstock.

Slant Right - 28 rds, Comstock.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Scores for 2/20/2013

Place Name              Division    Points   Stg %
   1 KXXXXX, Chris      Open        384.8614 100.00%
   2 KXXXXX, Leslie  Production  374.2541  97.24%
   3 BXXXXX, Mikhail   Limited     328.6526  85.40%
   4 CXXXXX, Jason      Production  324.5837  84.34%
   5 JXXXXX, Eli       Limited     283.8431  73.75%
   6 BXXXXX, Allen      Limited     276.5215  71.85%
   7 AXXXXX, Tony       Limited 10  276.4783  71.84%
   8 LXXXXX, Luis       Production  261.1437  67.85%
   9 BXXXXX, Terry      Limited 10  259.0797  67.32%
  10 kXXXXX, Milan    Production  250.9197  65.20%
  11 AXXXXX, Tony       Production  250.5294  65.10%
  12 DXXXXX, Russell    Single Stk  247.3676  64.27%
  13 NXXXXX, Ed         Production  238.4569  61.96%
  14 BXXXXX, Robbie   Production  235.7109  61.25%
  15 AXXXXX, Dimitry  Production  223.4217  58.05%
  16 PXXXXX, Dan        Production  222.1258  57.72%
  17 DXXXXX, Kerry      Production  205.5834  53.42%
  18 BXXXXX, Stefan     Limited     204.3492  53.10%
  19 AXXXXX, Matt       Single Stk  199.6514  51.88%
  20 PXXXXX, Tom        Single Stk  195.6561  50.84%
  21 JXXXXX, Chris      Limited 10  193.1713  50.19%
  22 CXXXXX, Chris      Production  190.4498  49.49%
  23 KXXXXX, Emil       Production  176.3849  45.83%
  24 MXXXXX, Frank      Production  173.6839  45.13%
  25 MXXXXX, John      Single Stk  170.6599  44.34%
  26 BXXXXX, Larry      Limited     166.2302  43.19%
  27 FRXXXX, Mike       Production  158.3930  41.16%
  28 HXXXXX, Courtney   Production  154.0610  40.03%
  29 FAXXXX, Mike       Production  152.4325  39.61%
  30 SXXXXX, John       Production  141.3729  36.73%
  31 CXXXXX, Frank      Single Stk  128.3373  33.35%
  32 HXXXXX, Richard    Production  125.0253  32.49%
  33 DXXXXX, Richard    Production  114.3108  29.70%
  34 FXXXXX, Laura      Production  109.7069  28.51%
  35 DXXXXX, Luke      Production   55.6602  14.46%
  36 KXXXXX, Michael    Production   29.9894   7.79%

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reminder: Registration is Limited!

We require all Illinois competitors to show FOID.

Additionally, we ask that competitors be USPSA members - though we do extend a month long grace period to prospective members.

Registration is limited to:

USPSA competitors that have earned a classification in any USPSA division.
IPSC competitors that have earned a classification in any ISPC division.
IDPA competitors that have earned a classification in any IDPA division.
Individuals that have demonstrated to McHenry USPSA RO's a safe drawstroke, muzzle awareness, and the basic understanding of the rules of the sport (scoring, safety, rules) in a session preceding a match, usually at an preceding the match the competitor intends to shoot.

Unverified individuals will not be allowed to compete (and be refunded their match fees...)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stages for February 20th, 2013

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 2/20/2013


Fancy Footwork - Virginia Count, 16rds, 80pts.

Hole in the Wall - Comstock, 28rds, 140pts.

Peeper - Comstock, 28rds, 140pts.

Tables Stakes - CM09-13, Comstock, 7rds, 35pts

Friday, February 8, 2013

Scores for Feb 6th, 2013

Speedy recovery to Gerry D! Hope your shoulder feels better soon!

Place Name           Division     Points   Stg %      
   1 KXXXX,  Leslie  Production   356.6189 100.00%
   2 DXXXX,  Kerry   Production   323.8987  90.82%      
   3 BXXXX,  Mikhail Limited      267.6758  75.06%  
   4 TXXXX,  Bryan   Open         263.4611  73.88%    
   5 BXXXX,  Allen   Limited      239.3409  67.11%      
   6 AXXXX,  Tony    Limited 10   234.1842  65.67%     
   7 CXXXX,  Jason   Production   232.2531  65.13%   
   8 DXXXX,  Russell Single Stk   231.4096  64.89%   
   9 CXXXX,  Will    Production   222.8205  62.48%     
  10 kXXXX,  Milan   Production   211.2399  59.23% 
  11 LXXXX,  Luis    Production   205.0303  57.49%    
  12 BXXXX,  Robbie  Production   198.8431  55.76% 
  13 NXXXX,  Ed      Production   191.4741  53.69%   
  14 CXXXX,  Chris   Production   189.5675  53.16%    
  15 JXXXX,  Chris   Production   186.3757  52.26%    
  16 PXXXX,  Tom     Single Stk   184.2128  51.66%    
  17 JXXXX,  Eli     Production   183.5536  51.47%  
  18 BXXXX,  Terry   Production   182.1605  51.08%     
  19 BXXXX,  Stefan  Limited      176.5994  49.52%   
  20 MXXXX,  Frank   Limited      175.3342  49.17%   
  21 KXXXX,  Emil    Production   160.7253  45.07%    
  22 CXXXX,  Frank   Single Stk   156.5625  43.90%      
  23 AXXXX,  Dimitry Production   151.8491  42.58% 
  24 SXXXX,  Ralph   Production   134.5601  37.73%      
  25 MXXXX,  Bob     Single Stk   115.8854  32.50%    
  26 DXXXX,  Gerry   Production   102.0966  28.63%     
  27 HXXXX,  Richard Production   101.5370  28.47%    
  28 FXXXX,  Mike    Production    88.7265  24.88%   
  29 DXXXX,  Scott   Production    85.6931  24.03%   
  30 MXXXX,  John    Revolver      71.2697  19.98%  
  31 GXXXX,  Lynn    Production    64.2881  18.03%   
  32 KXXXX,  Clint   Production    58.5830  16.43%    
  33 DXXXX,  Luke    Production    46.9385  13.16%  
  34 MXXXX,  Rob     Limited        0.0000   0.00%  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stages for February 6th, 2013 Match

Hi Folks!

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 2/6/2013


Bag It!: 24 rds, Comstock, 120 pts. 12 Metrics

Slant Left: Comstock, 28 rounds, 140 points. 12 Metric, 2 PP, 2 US Popper.

Swinging Speed Shoot: Comstock, 16 rounds, 80 points. 6 metric, 2 PP.

Six: Comstock, 6 rounds, 30 points. 2 IPSC, 1 Pepper popper, 1 US Popper

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Results from January 30th 2013

Kozy wins, beats Mikhail B. 2-0.

On the Pistol side, Kozy beat Carlos C. Eli J. was in 3rd position.

On the Rifle side, Mikhail B. beat Tony Amici. Brownie was in 3rd position.

Hope you all had fun - don't forget that we've got a match next week (1st Wed. in Feb!)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 30th, 2013 Stage

Man vs. Man Shootoff.

Two Double Elimination Brackets - Winner from each side takes all. (I'll try to pair folks accordingly...)

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 1/30/2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Congrats to Our New RO's

Tony A, Allen B, Mikhail B, and Brownie!

All of 'em passed the Level 1 RO class held at Pine Tree just recently!

Congrats, guys!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 16th, 2013 Results

Jan 16th
Match Date: 1/16/2013

Place Name              Division    Points   Stg %
   1 GXXX, Michael      Limited     372.4527 100.00%
   2 KXXX, Christophe   Open        326.3039  87.61%
   3 BXXX, Mikhail      Limited     316.9951  85.11%
   4 DXXX, Matthew      Production  309.5782  83.12%
   5 BXXX, Alan         Limited     299.9326  80.53%
   6 GXXX, Steve        Limited     292.6866  78.58%
   7 DXXX, Russell      Single Stk  285.4673  76.65%
   8 JXXX, Benni        Production  276.1427  74.14%
   9 LXXX, Luis         Production  244.1083  65.54%
  10 RXXX, Herb         Limited     243.8344  65.47%
  11 AXXX, Tony         Limited 10  243.6454  65.42%
  12 BXXX, Thomas       Production  232.7116  62.48%
  13 NXXX, Ed           Production  231.8776  62.26%
  14 KXXX, Emil         Production  221.6380  59.51%
  15 CXXX, Will         Production  219.9172  59.05%
  16 JXXX, Chris        Production  214.5628  57.61%
  17 MXXX, Eric         Production  209.9532  56.37%
  18 DXXX, Kerry        Production  209.3955  56.22%
  19 IXXX, Alex         Production  202.7453  54.44%
  20 PXXX, Tom          Single Stk  196.5191  52.76%
  21 MXXX, Rob          Limited     194.5527  52.24%
  22 HXXX, Richard      Production  187.2755  50.28%
  23 HXXX, Courtney     Production  184.3044  49.48%
  24 SXXX, Robert       Production  183.3325  49.22%
  25 FXXX, Mike         Production  168.7732  45.31%
  26 BXXX, Rob          Production  167.7579  45.04%
  27 MXXX, Bob          Single Stk  166.4734  44.70%
  28 BXXX, Terry        Production  152.1520  40.85%
  29 MXXX, John         Single Stk  150.8191  40.49%
  30 CXXX, Frank        Single Stk  147.8984  39.71%
  31 DXXX, Gerry        Production  143.4117  38.50%
  32 KXXX, Ron          Limited 10  139.7150  37.51%
  33 KXXX, Jaroslaw     Production  136.7594  36.72%
  34 HXXX, Rick         Production  126.2974  33.91%
  35 FXXX, Laura        Production   90.1603  24.21%
  36 KXXX, Clint        Production   88.0566  23.64%
  37 DXXX, Gary         Single Stk   34.1661   9.17%

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 16th, 2013

Stages are below for 1/16/13 match...

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 1/16/2013


All Over - Comstock, 28rd, 140 pts

One Way, then Another - Comstock, 22rds, 110 pts.

String 'Em up - Comstock, 18rds, 90 pts. (Classic Targets)

CM 03-04 (3V) - Virginia, 14 rds, 70 pts.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 30th all STEEL versus match!

This wasn't on the calendar - fixed that slight oversight!

Not quite sure how we're going to handle things, but running 2, double elimination brackets, one per range, sounds pretty good. The winners would shoot best of three - one on each bay, and the one on first winners choice...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Scores for Jan 2nd, 2013

Combined Finals - other scores (by division) are posted to along with the classifier...

Nice job to Paul I! (Hope you liked the venue! I know it isn't PTPC, but we try...)

Happy Birthday to Emil K!

Lastly, consider contacting your State Senator and asking them to oppose the "lame duck session" anti-gun bills on the move in the Illinois State Senate: See ISRA for more details!

New Year's Match
Match Date: 1/2/2013

Place Name              Division    Stg %
   1 IXXX, Paul         Limited     100.00%
   2 KXXX, Leslie       Production   96.35%
   3 CXXX, Jason        Production   93.12%
   4 BXXX, Mikhail      Limited      89.60%
   5 KXXX, Chris        Open         88.99%
   6 LXXX, Luis         Single Stk   81.92%
   7 GXXX, Dan          Limited      78.48%
   8 DXXX, Russell      Single Stk   78.01%
   9 AXXX, Tony         Production   77.89%
  10 BXXX, Allen        Single Stk   77.52%
  11 DXXX, Kerry        Production   75.31%
  12 BXXX, Mike         Production   73.20%
  13 AXXX, Tony         Limited 10   64.01%
  14 NXXX, Ed           Production   60.72%
  15 JXXX, Chris        Production   58.89%
  16 JXXX, Benni        Production   58.23%
  17 MXXX, Rob          Limited      58.21%
  18 CXXX, Chris        Production   58.14%
  19 BXXX, Terry        Production   57.51%
  20 BXXX, Thomas       Production   57.31%
  21 PXXX, Tom          Single Stk   55.77%
  22 BXXX, Robbie       Production   55.57%
  23 KXXX, Emil         Production   49.25%
  24 SXXX, Robert       Production   47.33%
  25 FAXX, Mike         Production   46.47%
  26 MXXX, Bob          Single Stk   45.83%
  27 GXXX, Ted          Production   44.52%
  28 RXXX, Herb         Limited      41.95%
  29 MXXX, John         Single Stk   41.53%
  30 DXXX, Gerry        Limited      41.51%
  31 GXXX, Jerry        Limited      39.91%
  32 HXXX, Richard      Production   39.29%
  33 FRXX, Mike         Production   37.42%
  34 HXXX, Rick         Production   37.34%
  35 BXXX, Jebson       Production   35.72%
  36 MXXX, Frank        Limited      34.31%
  37 AXXX, Matt         Single Stk   29.83%
  38 FXXX, Laura        Production   29.48%
  39 OXXX, Chris        Production   28.34%
  40 DXXX, Scott        Production   25.86%
  41 DXXX, Richard      Production   23.41%
  42 KXXX, Ron          Production   22.48%

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Familiar Face in Frontsight...

Tom Palmer, our stage designer and CRO, was recognized in this month's issue of USPSA's Frontsight magazine for his hard work in the region!  If you see Tom, give him a pat on the back and a hearty congrats!

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