Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kindles Are In!

Letting these bad boys charge up, then gotta install PractiScore and do a trial run over the weekend!

Thanks to the folks that have offered to help out with PractiScore - I've run it in the past, but if I get stuck I will ask for help!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Updates: Moving to PractiScore!

Just bought two Kindle Fire's for club use!

We'll be handling all registration and scoring using PractiScore from now one - we hope we can get scores posted about 30 minutes after last shots/teardown.

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 24, 2012 Results

We've got good news: On Target is going to let us use both bays starting at 6:30 PM! This should help alleviate some of the issues we've had with late starts and the like.

Some of you asked about the Beretta Petition situation: If you haven't seen it or signed it, please check it out:

Our next match is 11/7/2012 - Registration will go live at 11/4/2012!

We also hope to have our new McHenry IPSC/McHenry IDPA trailer by then - this should help with load in and load out!

Thanks again to all those that help out, especially, On Target!

October 24, 2012
Match Date: 10/24/2012
Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.
Place Name            Class Division     Points   Stg %
   1 Cxxxx,  Jason      B   Limited      380.1325 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx,  Chris      B   Open         375.0926  98.67%
   3 Bxxxx,  Mikhail    B   Limited      324.0835  85.26%
   4 Bxxxx,  Allen      C   Limited      311.3973  81.92%
   5 Exxxx,  Chip       C   Open         299.5102  78.79%
   6 Bxxxx,  Terry      D   Limited      254.1447  66.86%
   7 Exxxx,  Aya        C   Open         251.2686  66.10%
   8 Lxxxx,  Luis       U   Single Stk   229.2339  60.30%
   9 Wxxxx,  Mike       U   Production   226.0029  59.45%
  10 Txxxx,  Bryan      D   Open         222.9304  58.65%
  11 Kxxxx,  Milan      U   Limited 10   220.4752  58.00%
  12 Bxxxx,  Pabl       U   Production   217.1666  57.13%
  13 Bxxxx,  William    C   Production   214.7173  56.48%
  14 Bxxxx,  Tom        C   Production   209.9645  55.23%
  15 Pxxxx,  Tom        C   Single Stk   208.4248  54.83%
  16 Nxxxx,  Ed         C   Production   190.1738  50.03%
  17 Kxxxx,  Emil       C   Production   188.0740  49.48%
  18 Rxxxx,  Kenneth    C   Limited 10   182.9930  48.14%
  19 Mxxxx,  Robert     C   Limited 10   174.4480  45.89%
  20 Mxxxx,  Joe        U   Production   171.3958  45.09%
  21 Sxxxx,  Rob        D   Production   168.1701  44.24%
  22 Axxxx,  Tony       C   Production   160.9119  42.33%
  23 Cxxxx,  Andy       C   Limited      156.0219  41.04%
  24 Fxxxx,  Michael    U   Production   155.5347  40.92%
  25 Bxxxx,  Jeff       U   Production   144.1343  37.92%
  26 Fxxxx,  Michael    C   Production   143.6944  37.80%
  27 Mxxxx,  Robert     U   Production   139.3259  36.65%
  28 Gxxxx,  Jerry      D   Limited      135.2591  35.58%
  29 Bxxxx,  Rob        U   Production   132.4484  34.84%
  30 Hxxxx,  Richard    U   Production   127.4079  33.52%
  31 Dxxxx,  Gerry      D   Limited      120.1223  31.60%
  32 Cxxxx,  Frank      D   Single Stk   114.2947  30.07%
  33 Gxxxx,  Lynn       D   Limited 10    81.5685  21.46%
  34 Bxxxx,  Michael    U   Single Stk    70.3959  18.52%
  35 Lxxxx,  David      U   Production    45.9979  12.10%
  36 Kxxxx,  Richard    U   Single Stk    20.1211   5.29%                                          

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 24, 2012 Match

We've had to change the format in which we run the match:

We'll have two larger squads (of ~20), one setting up the Rifle bay at 6:45 and one setting up the Pistol bay starting at ~7:45. We figure this'll get out a bit earlier than last time (we ran until 11:30 PM! - thanks to those that helped cleanup: It is much appreciated!) Please help paste targets and keep the match progressing!!

Registration and safe area will be upstairs. Please come upstairs and get checked in when you get there. We'll let you know where to go and what to do from there!

We'll be running 4 stages - two short ones and two longer ones.

Rifle Bay:

Under Duress - 26 rd Comstock course.

Haunted House - 27 rd Comstock course.

Pistol Bay:

Stretch - 18 rd Virginia count course

Bookout's Boogie - CM 99-57, Comstock 12 rd course.

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 10/24/2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 3rd, 2012 Results.

Hope everyone had a great time last night - we apologize that it took a bit longer than expected. Please bear with us as we iron out the kinks and figure out how better to run the show...

If you're heading back to On Target, be sure to thank them for agreeing to host our matches - if you're purchasing anything from them, please consider dropping McHenry IPSC as a reference so that they see we're helping to grow their business.

Next match is October 24th, 2012 - Stay Tuned!

Classifiers are submitted and results by division are posted to USPSA.
Overall and combined (by stage) results are posted here for bragging rights.

Overall Match Placement.

Place Name      Class Division   Points   Stg %
   1 B, Mikhail   B   Limited    354.0791 100.00%
   2 A, Anthony   B   Production 335.2298  94.68%
   3 B, Allen     C   Limited    316.4837  89.38%
   4 C, Jason     U   Production 316.1883  89.30%
   5 E, Chip      U   Open       309.3708  87.37%
   6 G, Dan       B   Limited    303.6523  85.76%
   7 E, Aya       U   Open       298.7605  84.38%
   8 D, Kerry     B   Production 288.2431  81.41%
   9 K, Chris     B   Open       277.6068  78.40%
  10 B, Pabl      U   Production 259.7401  73.36%
  11 L, LuisLusi  U   Production 259.4408  73.27%
  12 O, Robert    B   Single Stk 255.2206  72.08%
  13 B, Terry     D   Limited    245.7166  69.40%
  14 B, William   C   Production 244.1273  68.95%
  15 B, Tom       C   Production 241.2593  68.14%
  16 P, Tom       U   Single Stk 238.0855  67.24%
  17 T, Bryan     U   Open       236.4760  66.79%
  18 S, Mark      U   Single Stk 233.0199  65.81%
  19 S, Larry     U   Limited    222.8922  62.95%
  20 W, Mike      U   Production 219.5347  62.00%
  21 K, Milan     U   Limited 10 218.3815  61.68%
  22 B, Larry     C   Production 205.5858  58.06%
  23 A, Tony      C   Production 201.3245  56.86%
  24 J, Chris     C   Limited 10 199.1051  56.23%
  25 S, Rob       D   Production 198.2998  56.00%
  26 R, Kenneth   C   Limited 10 192.0942  54.25%
  27 B, Jeff      U   Production 190.4973  53.80%
  28 K, Emil      C   Production 185.3331  52.34%
  29 B, Stefan    U   Production 179.0951  50.58%
  30 I, Alex      C   Production 172.4782  48.71%
  31 O, Chris     D   Production 171.1478  48.34%
  32 M, Bob       D   Single Stk 171.0335  48.30%
  33 G, Lynn      D   Limited 10 156.2249  44.12%
  34 M, Mario     U   Production 151.1946  42.70%
  35 D, Gerry     U   Production 149.3912  42.19%
  36 M, Robert    U   Limited 10 147.9007  41.77%
  37 F, Michael   C   Production 138.7637  39.19%
  38 B, Rob       U   Production 112.4031  31.75%
  39 K, Ron       U   Production  98.5574  27.83%
  40 C, John      C   Production  65.0852  18.38%
  41 D, Luke      U   Production  46.9914  13.27%
DQed E, Jim       U   Production   0.0000   0.00%
Stage: 1  Cowpens
Place Name               Division    Pts  Pen Time   Hit Fact  Stg %
    1 E, Chip            Open         98   0  14.95   6.5552  100.00%
    2 B, Allen           Limited     103   0  16.52   6.2349   95.11%
    3 K, Chris           Open         93  20  12.74   5.7300   87.41%
    4 A, Anthony         Production   93  10  14.71   5.6424   86.08%
    5 L, LuisLusi        Production   88   0  16.53   5.3237   81.21%
    6 G, Dan             Limited      99   0  18.75   5.2800   80.55%
    7 C, Jason           Production   94  20  14.35   5.1568   78.67%
    8 B, Terry           Limited      94   0  20.00   4.7000   71.70%
    9 E, Aya             Open         90  10  17.25   4.6377   70.75%
   10 K, Milan           Limited 10   82   0  18.16   4.5154   68.88%
   11 B, Mikhail         Limited      89  10  17.71   4.4608   68.05%
   12 B, William         Production   96   0  23.12   4.1522   63.34%
   13 D, Kerry           Production   96   0  23.39   4.1043   62.61%
   14 S, Larry           Limited      88   0  21.46   4.1007   62.56%
   15 B, Pablit          Production  104   0  25.66   4.0530   61.83%
   16 P, Tom             Single Stk  100   0  25.18   3.9714   60.58%
   17 B, Tom             Production   82   0  21.78   3.7649   57.43%
   18 B, Stefan          Production   87  10  20.53   3.7506   57.22%
   19 O, Robert          Single Stk  105   0  30.75   3.4146   52.09%
   20 W, Mike            Production   98   0  29.79   3.2897   50.18%
   21 R, Kenneth         Limited 10  102   0  31.16   3.2734   49.94%
   22 S, Mark            Single Stk   93   0  28.54   3.2586   49.71%
   23 B, Jeff            Production  104   0  31.94   3.2561   49.67%
   24 J, Chris           Limited 10   97   0  30.33   3.1982   48.79%
   25 S, Rob             Production   96   0  31.97   3.0028   45.81%
   26 G, Lynn            Limited 10   98   0  37.36   2.6231   40.02%
   27 D, Gerry           Production   85  10  32.25   2.3256   35.48%
   28 O, Chris           Production   80  10  31.48   2.2236   33.92%
   29 K, Emil            Production   79  10  34.92   1.9759   30.14%
   30 M, Bob             Single Stk   97  20  41.99   1.8338   27.97%
   31 F, Michael         Production   76  30  26.04   1.7665   26.95%
   32 T, Bryan           Open         80  60  14.81   1.3504   20.60%
   33 M, Robert          Limited 10   77  50  26.41   1.0223   15.60%
   34 A, Tony            Production   82  60  23.60   0.9322   14.22%
   35 B, Rob             Production   68  30  45.16   0.8415   12.84%
   36 B, Larry           Production   74  60  20.72   0.6757   10.31%
   37 D, Luke            Production   61  50  34.53   0.3186    4.86%
   38 I, Alex            Production   62  60  16.80   0.1190    1.82%
  Tie M, Mario           Production   68 100  20.48   0.0000    0.00%
  Tie K, Ron             Production   54  90  26.30   0.0000    0.00%
  DNF C, John            Production    0   0    .00   0.0000    0.00%
 DQed E, Jim             Production    0   0    .00   0.0000    0.00%
Stage: 2  Sixty-Two                                          
Place Name               Division    Pts  Pen Time   Hit Fact  Stg %
    1 A, Anthony         Production  104   0  11.28   9.2199  100.00%
    2 B, Mikhail         Limited     108   0  11.79   9.1603   99.35%
    3 C, Jason           Production  109  10  11.79   8.3969   91.07%
    4 E, Aya             Open        100   0  13.06   7.6570   83.05%
    5 T, Bryan           Open        116   0  15.29   7.5867   82.29%
    6 G, Dan             Limited     113   0  15.01   7.5283   81.65%
    7 E, Chip            Open        111   0  14.77   7.5152   81.51%
    8 A, Tony            Production  116   0  15.63   7.4216   80.50%
    9 D, Kerry           Production  112   0  15.35   7.2964   79.14%
   10 B, Pablit          Production  110   0  15.76   6.9797   75.70%
   11 B, Allen           Limited     110   0  16.00   6.8750   74.57%
   12 S, Mark            Single Stk  103  10  14.35   6.4808   70.29%
   13 O, Robert          Single Stk  116   0  18.01   6.4409   69.86%
   14 J, Chris           Limited 10  107   0  16.73   6.3957   69.37%
   15 K, Chris           Open        106   0  16.68   6.3549   68.93%
   16 W, Mike            Production  105  10  15.73   6.0394   65.50%
   17 P, Tom             Single Stk  113   0  18.77   6.0202   65.30%
   18 M, Bob             Single Stk  108   0  19.26   5.6075   60.82%
   19 S, Rob             Production  102   0  18.44   5.5315   60.00%
   20 M, Mario           Production   93  10  15.07   5.5076   59.74%
   21 B, William         Production  101  10  16.56   5.4952   59.60%
   22 K, Emil            Production   98   0  18.83   5.2045   56.45%
   23 R, Kenneth         Limited 10  109   0  21.02   5.1855   56.24%
   24 B, Larry           Production   79  10  13.34   5.1724   56.10%
   25 I, Alex            Production   95  10  17.21   4.9390   53.57%
   26 B, Tom             Production  110   0  23.22   4.7373   51.38%
   27 L, LuisLusi        Production   83  30  11.35   4.6696   50.65%
   28 D, Gerry           Production  108   0  23.28   4.6392   50.32%
   29 G, Lynn            Limited 10  100   0  21.75   4.5977   49.87%
   30 B, Terry           Limited      97  20  17.45   4.4126   47.86%
   31 O, Chris           Production   96   0  21.96   4.3716   47.41%
   32 F, Michael         Production   93  10  19.12   4.3410   47.08%
   33 B, Stefan          Production   90   0  20.86   4.3145   46.80%
   34 M, Robert          Limited 10   88  10  18.09   4.3118   46.77%
   35 K, Ron             Production   88   0  21.28   4.1353   44.85%
   36 S, Larry           Limited     104   0  29.35   3.5434   38.43%
   37 K, Milan           Limited 10   82  30  14.94   3.4806   37.75%
   38 B, Jeff            Production   92  20  20.95   3.4368   37.28%
   39 D, Luke            Production   97  10  27.19   3.1997   34.70%
   40 B, Rob             Production   82  20  23.14   2.6793   29.06%
   41 C, John            Production   74  60  16.62   0.8424    9.14%
 DQed E, Jim             Production    0   0    .00   0.0000    0.00%
Stage: 3  Like A Rat                                         
Place Name               Division    Pts  Pen Time   Hit Fact  Stg %
    1 B, Mikhail         Limited      94   0  12.43   7.5623  100.00%
    2 T, Bryan           Open         94   0  14.05   6.6904   88.47%
    3 B, Larry           Production   90   0  13.71   6.5646   86.81%
    4 K, Chris           Open         83  10  11.37   6.4204   84.90%
    5 G, Dan             Limited      93   0  15.33   6.0665   80.22%
    6 B, Allen           Limited      91   0  15.48   5.8786   77.74%
    7 I, Alex            Production   92   0  16.15   5.6966   75.33%
    8 K, Milan           Limited 10   90   0  16.04   5.6110   74.20%
    9 C, Jason           Production   77  10  12.21   5.4873   72.56%
   10 L, LuisLusi        Production   81  10  13.35   5.3184   70.33%
   11 D, Kerry           Production  100   0  18.93   5.2826   69.85%
   12 E, Aya             Open         92   0  17.78   5.1744   68.42%
   13 B, Tom             Production   92   0  17.89   5.1425   68.00%
   14 B, William         Production   96   0  19.15   5.0131   66.29%
   15 A, Anthony         Production   77  10  13.46   4.9777   65.82%
   16 S, Larry           Limited      86   0  17.34   4.9596   65.58%
   17 B, Terry           Limited      96   0  19.90   4.8241   63.79%
   18 J, Chris           Limited 10   88   0  18.71   4.7034   62.20%
   19 O, Robert          Single Stk   97   0  21.95   4.4191   58.44%
   20 B, Jeff            Production   92   0  22.19   4.1460   54.82%
   21 K, Emil            Production   90   0  21.79   4.1303   54.62%
   22 C, John            Production   90   0  21.99   4.0928   54.12%
   23 B, Stefan          Production   84   0  21.00   4.0000   52.89%
   24 P, Tom             Single Stk   98   0  24.89   3.9373   52.06%
   25 S, Mark            Single Stk   93   0  23.74   3.9174   51.80%
   26 W, Mike            Production   85  10  19.26   3.8941   51.49%
   27 B, Pablit          Production   94   0  24.29   3.8699   51.17%
   28 A, Tony            Production   81  10  18.88   3.7606   49.73%
   29 M, Robert          Limited 10   90  10  21.35   3.7471   49.55%
   30 E, Chip            Open         81  30  13.96   3.6533   48.31%
   31 M, Bob             Single Stk   97   0  27.10   3.5793   47.33%
   32 M, Mario           Production   86  10  22.06   3.4451   45.56%
   33 K, Ron             Production   84   0  24.83   3.3830   44.74%
   34 B, Rob             Production   96   0  28.77   3.3368   44.12%
   35 D, Gerry           Production   90   0  28.32   3.1780   42.02%
   36 S, Rob             Production   92   0  29.11   3.1604   41.79%
   37 G, Lynn            Limited 10   82   0  27.94   2.9349   38.81%
   38 O, Chris           Production  100   0  34.65   2.8860   38.16%
   39 R, Kenneth         Limited 10   89   0  32.81   2.7126   35.87%
   40 F, Michael         Production   80  20  29.31   2.0471   27.07%
   41 D, Luke            Production   69  70  35.54   0.0000    0.00%
Stage: 4  El Presidente                                      
Place Name               Division    Pts  Pen Time   Hit Fact  Stg %
    1 B, Mikhail         Limited      53   0   7.12   7.4438  100.00%
    2 O, Robert          Single Stk   58   0   8.40   6.9048   92.76%
    3 A, Anthony         Production   48   0   7.07   6.7893   91.21%
    4 D, Kerry           Production   58   0   8.57   6.7678   90.92%
    5 E, Chip            Open         51   0   7.72   6.6062   88.75%
    6 E, Aya             Open         52   0   7.93   6.5574   88.09%
    7 B, Pablit          Production   56   0   9.08   6.1674   82.85%
    8 B, Tom             Production   48   0   7.99   6.0075   80.70%
    9 C, Jason           Production   46  10   6.07   5.9308   79.67%
   10 B, Terry           Limited      48   0   8.48   5.6604   76.04%
   11 B, Allen           Limited      46  10   6.50   5.5385   74.40%
   12 S, Larry           Limited      50   0   9.51   5.2576   70.63%
   13 S, Mark            Single Stk   47   0   8.98   5.2339   70.31%
   14 P, Tom             Single Stk   54   0  10.61   5.0895   68.37%
   15 B, Larry           Production   44   0   8.84   4.9774   66.87%
   16 A, Tony            Production   48   0   9.83   4.8830   65.60%
   17 L, LuisLusi        Production   43  10   6.82   4.8387   65.00%
   18 O, Chris           Production   52   0  10.81   4.8104   64.62%
   19 G, Dan             Limited      56   0  12.25   4.5714   61.41%
   20 B, William         Production   44   0   9.68   4.5455   61.06%
   21 B, Jeff            Production   54   0  11.99   4.5038   60.50%
   22 W, Mike            Production   43  10   7.77   4.2471   57.06%
   23 S, Rob             Production   50   0  11.81   4.2337   56.88%
   24 M, Mario           Production   42   0   9.97   4.2126   56.59%
   25 R, Kenneth         Limited 10   45   0  10.73   4.1938   56.34%
   26 I, Alex            Production   36   0   9.40   3.8298   51.45%
   27 K, Emil            Production   34   0   9.19   3.6997   49.70%
   28 T, Bryan           Open         50  10  12.12   3.3003   44.34%
   29 F, Michael         Production   43  10  10.41   3.1700   42.59%
   30 M, Robert          Limited 10   38  10   9.00   3.1111   41.79%
   31 K, Milan           Limited 10   44  20   8.37   2.8674   38.52%
   32 M, Bob             Single Stk   42  20   8.89   2.4747   33.25%
   33 B, Rob             Production   34   0  14.21   2.3927   32.14%
   34 K, Chris           Open         42  20  12.81   1.7174   23.07%
   35 G, Lynn            Limited 10   42  20  13.08   1.6820   22.60%
   36 D, Gerry           Production   39  10  29.36   0.9877   13.27%
   37 B, Stefan          Production   28  20   9.07   0.8820   11.85%
  Tie K, Ron             Production   17  30  14.59   0.0000    0.00%
  Tie D, Luke            Production   33  40  13.29   0.0000    0.00%
  Tie J, Chris           Limited 10   23  60   6.94   0.0000    0.00%
  DNF C, John            Production    0   0    .00   0.0000    0.00%

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thanks to...

Jim E for being the first registrant!

Also thanks to Chip and Aya E for being the last registrants!

On that note, we're now sold out!

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