Friday, November 6, 2009

Zombies to the Rescue!

I think that this is the first time Zombies have ever actually caused an event to be better. (Well I guess they cause movies to be great, but I digress...)

From the beginning:

Tom P., who had just gotten his CRO paperwork finished (CONGRATS!), apparently decided that our little Level 1 club was no longer worth his trouble and ditched us... Trouble is he's our man with the targets!


His truck broke down and he was left stranded. As were we. No targets meant no classifier and a mad scramble through our messy locker to find something for the restless club members with itchy trigger fingers to shoot...

We cleared out the locker, finding nothing by steel, but at the last minute found our tube of Zombie targets from last year!

Hmmm... They've got upper A/B zones and COM A-zone on 'em...
Hmmm... They've got an outline a bit bigger than a C...

So we found some cardboard backers, ran through the stage we wanted, then setup and did a convincing practice run of CM 99-33!

In two weeks, we'll run CM 99-33 for real and also run a tough 30-round movement course.

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