Sunday, April 28, 2013

May 1st, 2013 Stages

Important Information!!

Since On Target is doing some repair, we'll be running 2 formal stages, one ? (maybe par time steel, like pro-am?) stage and will have a professional chronograph available for competitors to test their pet loads.

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 5/1/2013


Simple Speed Shoot - Virginia Count, 14 rds, 70 pts.

Strollin - Comstock, 24 rds, 120 pts.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Results for 4/17/2013

Due to problems with PractiScore and multiple competitor entires, scores have taken longer to post.
We will be locking the slave machines from now on - if there is an issue, a competitor is on the wrong squad, etc, go find the Match director and ask them to fix the issue on the master device.

Place Name          Division     PF     Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxx,Chris     Open        Major   366.7854 100.00%
   2 Dxxx,Kerry     Production  Minor   329.2980  89.78%
   3 Lxxx,Luis      Limited 10  Major   314.8039  85.83%
   4 Cxxx,Jason     Limited     Minor   290.2856  79.14%
   5 Axxx,Tony      Limited 10  Minor   290.1177  79.10%
   6 Pxxx,Dan       Limited     Major   290.0131  79.07%
   7 Axxx,Dimitry   Production  Minor   275.8215  75.20%
   8 Cxxx,Will      Production  Minor   260.0025  70.89%
   9 Jxxx,Eli       Production  Minor   254.0858  69.27%
  10 Axxx,Matt      Limited     Major   238.0729  64.91%
  11 Hxxx,Tony      Limited 10  Major   215.5478  58.77%
  12 Bxxx,Allen     Limited     Major   208.0611  56.73%
  13 Pxxx,Tom       Single Stk  Major   200.8265  54.75%
  14 Pxxx,Jayson    Limited 10  Major   200.5965  54.69%
  15 Bxxx,Robbie    Production  Minor   192.0004  52.35%
  16 Txxx,Dave      Production  Minor   184.8519  50.40%
  17 Axxx,Helmut    Limited     Major   178.5866  48.69%
  18 Cxxx,Andy      Limited 10  Major   178.4269  48.65%
  19 Dxxx,Gerry     Limited     Minor   173.2092  47.22%
  20 Mxxx,John      Single Stk  Major   169.6994  46.27%
  21 Fxxx,Mike      Production  Minor   167.1624  45.57%
  22 Hxxx,Rick      Limited 10  Major   160.2732  43.70%
  23 Kxxx,Ron       Limited 10  Major   146.7310  40.00%
  24 Mxxx,Frank     Limited     Minor   143.2323  39.05%
  25 Lxxx,Rob       Production  Minor   139.7518  38.10%
  26 Kxxx,Michael   Production  Minor   138.4490  37.75%
  27 Mxxx,Michael   Production  Minor   114.5977  31.24%
  28 Fxxx,Laura     Production  Minor   109.6285  29.89%
  29 Rxxx,Leroy     Production  Minor    96.2482  26.24%
  30 Dxxx,Luke      Production  Minor    84.4217  23.02%
  31 Lxxx,Jason     Single Stk  Minor    40.1881  10.96%
  32 Dxxx,Richard   Production  Minor     0.0000   0.00%

Sunday, April 14, 2013

2013 Elections & April 17th Stages


2013 elections are coming up, if anyone is interested. The current Executive Committee is intending to remain, and is composed of:

  • Kerry Dean, President
  • Tom Palmer, Range Master
  • Les Kismartoni, Match Director
If anyone is interested in running against one of the incumbents, they'll need to notify Les by April 29th, 2013 in writing (via email is fine).  

Elections will be on May 29th, after the last match at the annual banquet. 


Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 4/17/2013


Bender - Virginia Count, 24 rds, 120 pts.
Raw Deal - Virginia Count, 12 rds, 60 pts.
Sym House - Comstock, 28 rds, 140 pts.
Toy Store - Constock, 18 rds, 90 pts.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Scores for April 3rd, 2013

The regular membership voted tonight to adopt the by laws as set forth - in the next few days, we will begin amending the site to reflect new information.

The biggest change is the face that all competitors will now require membership with USPSA in order to be eligible to shoot a match.

Scores and classifier have been posted to USPSA. Final results are listed below.

Place Name            Division     PF       Points   Stg %  
   1 Kxxxx, Chris     Open        Major   420.0003 100.00% 
   2 Kxxxx, Leslie    Production  Minor   358.9054  85.45%
   3 Dxxxx, Kerry     Production  Minor   357.1405  85.03%   
   4 Bxxxx, Mikhail   Limited     Major   323.5614  77.04%
   5 Bxxxx, Allen     Limited     Major   300.5095  71.55%   
   6 Bxxxx, Terry     Limited 10  Major   292.7915  69.71%  
   7 Axxxx, Dimitry   Production  Minor   288.4579  68.68%
   8 Wxxxx, Mike      Production  Minor   273.9784  65.23%
   9 Lxxxx, Luis      Limited 10  Major   269.0024  64.05% 
  10 Dxxxx, Russell   Production  Minor   256.9432  61.18%
  11 Jxxxx, Eli       Production  Minor   249.7217  59.46%
  12 Bxxxx, Robbie    Production  Minor   248.8775  59.26%
  13 Cxxxx, Chris     Production  Minor   239.0428  56.91% 
  14 Mxxxx, Rob       Limited     Major   238.0743  56.68%
  15 Fxxxx, Mike      Production  Minor   233.8763  55.68%
  16 Nxxxx, Ed        Production  Minor   232.4869  55.35%
  17 Hxxxx, Tony      Limited 10  Major   230.2886  54.83% 
  18 Jxxxx, Chris     Limited 10  Major   226.1717  53.85% 
  19 Bxxxx, Stefan    Production  Minor   219.6123  52.29%
  20 Fxxxx, Mike      Production  Minor   214.8126  51.15%    
  21 Mxxxx, Michael   Production  Minor   214.4164  51.05%
  22 Pxxxx, Tom       Single Stk  Major   213.8321  50.91% 
  23 Bxxxx, Jeff      Production  Minor   208.4383  49.63%   
  24 Txxxx, Dave      Production  Minor   194.4508  46.30% 
  25 Gxxxx, Ted       Production  Minor   193.9527  46.18%   
  26 Dxxxx, Luke      Production  Minor   180.8292  43.05%
  27 Axxxx, Jeff      Production  Minor   173.3594  41.28%
  28 Gxxxx, Jerry     Single Stk  Major   162.9352  38.79%
  29 Axxxx, Helmut    Limited     Major   154.2378  36.72%
  30 Kxxxx, Michael   Production  Minor   142.8407  34.01% 
  31 Hxxxx, Rick      Limited 10  Major   141.9404  33.80%
  32 Kxxxx, Ron       Limited 10  Major   139.7951  33.28%
  33 Axxxx, Tony      Production  Minor   133.4319  31.77%  
  34 Cxxxx, Frank     Single Stk  Major   124.6425  29.68%   
  35 Jxxxx, Michael   Single Stk  Major   116.5885  27.76%  
  36 Gxxxx, Al        Production  Minor   102.5191  24.41%
  37 Rxxxx, Leroy     Production  Minor    83.4433  19.87%
  38 Pxxxx, Julian    Production  Minor    75.5451  17.99%  
  39 Gxxxx, Steve     Limited     Major     0.0000   0.00%  

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