Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hangover Match 2014

I hope it won't be this bad...

I'd also like to take the time to remind folks that when matches have sold out, there is little we can do to accommodate folks: we went to online processing expressly to have an equitable way in which to register folks for match.

Additionally, I'd like to remind folks that there are no refunds/reschedules/etc if you don't show...

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 1/1/2014


Stages are HERE

Classifier will be "Fluffy Revenge" CM06-05

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8th Results

We feel that the weekend match concept worked out rather well - in the future we're going to continue with it. When we get the next dates, I'll be sure to post on the calendar.

Thanks for everyone chipping in - it is much appreciated!

Lastly - we may have another slot for the 2014 Single Stack Nationals? Anyone interested?
(Gotta hurry since advanced reg is only good until 12/31!)

Place Name             Division     PF L  Points   Stg %   
   1 Axxxxx, Dimitri   Production  Minor  399.4660 100.00%
   2 Sxxxxx, Josep     Limited     Major  397.9910  99.63%
   3 Kxxxxx, Max       Limited     Major  345.0314  86.37%  
   4 Sxxxxx, Mark      Single Stk  Major  333.3144  83.44%
   5 Cxxxxx, Jason     Production  Minor  332.8677  83.33%
   6 Kxxxxx, Chris     Open        Major  325.0000  81.36% 
   7 Bxxxxx, Pabl      Production  Minor  322.3391  80.69%
   8 Ixxxxx, Alex      Production  Minor  299.6970  75.02%   
   9 Kxxxxx, Milan     Production  Minor  289.1297  72.38%
  10 Rxxxxx, David     Production  Minor  283.2909  70.92%
  11 Nxxxxx, Ed        Production  Minor  280.3453  70.18%
  12 Axxxxx, Tony      Limited 10  Major  268.0389  67.10%  
  13 Rxxxxx, Herb      Open        Minor  241.0657  60.35%  
  14 Hxxxxx, Steve     Production  Minor  235.0537  58.84%
  15 Jxxxxx, Goran     Production  Minor  231.3895  57.92%
  16 Kxxxxx, Emil      Production  Minor  227.6981  57.00% 
  17 Dxxxxx, Luke      Production  Minor  224.9971  56.32%
  18 Bxxxxx, Terry     Production  Minor  218.9532  54.81%  
  19 Pxxxxx, Tom       Revolver    Major  178.0637  44.58% 
  20 Dxxxxx, Linda     Production  Minor  175.6811  43.98%
  21 Fxxxxx, Laura     Production  Minor  114.5712  28.68%    

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Many hands make light work...

I got a chance to observe the match last night and I see a lot of folks leaving as soon as they are done shooting, leaving the same set of guys to handle clean up and etc.

Now, I get that some of us have to drive far and long to get home, or that some of us have to get up early, but sometimes a little help goes a long way in ensuring that those same guys don't get burned out before they do their own "long drives" and "getting up early".

If in doubt, ask Tom, Terry, Kozy, Herb, or Les what you can do - even if it is taking a few targets out to the dumpster on your way back to the car....

"Many hands make light work"

December 4th Results

Place Name               Division     PF L  Points   Stg %
   1 Cxxxxx, Jason       Limited     Minor  340.0578 100.00%
   2 Bxxxxx, Allen       Limited     Major  309.9248  91.14%  
   3 Jxxxxx, Eli         Limited     Minor  304.7957  89.63%
   4 Dxxxxx, Kerry       Production  Minor  287.2693  84.48%  
   5 Cxxxxx, Jason       Production  Minor  276.1636  81.21%
   6 Dxxxxx, Russell     Production  Minor  275.2150  80.93%
   7 Bxxxxx, Mikhail     Limited     Major  274.6383  80.76%
   8 Axxxxx, Tony        Limited 10  Major  272.6874  80.19% 
   9 Lxxxxx, Rob         Production  Minor  263.0628  77.36% 
  10 Bxxxxx, William     Production  Minor  261.2250  76.82%
  11 Axxxxx, Dimitri     Production  Minor  254.8813  74.95%
  12 Kxxxxx, Emil        Production  Minor  252.8892  74.37%
  13 Rxxxxx, Herb        Open        Minor  233.4677  68.66% 
  14 Hxxxxx, Tony        Limited     Major  227.1784  66.81%
  15 Bxxxxx, Terry       Production  Minor  225.7626  66.39% 
  16 Sxxxxx, Ken         Limited     Major  215.6210  63.41% 
  17 Nxxxxx, Ed          Production  Minor  207.5496  61.03%
  18 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production  Minor  200.6912  59.02%
  19 Jxxxxx, Chris       Limited 10  Major  200.5596  58.98%
  20 Bxxxxx, Tom         Production  Minor  187.7024  55.20%
  21 Hxxxxx, Rick        Limited 10  Major  184.9561  54.39%
  22 Bxxxxx, Rob         Production  Minor  180.4137  53.05% 
  23 Mxxxxx, Robert      Limited 10  Major  179.1164  52.67%
  24 Ixxxxx, Alex        Limited 10  Major  174.2035  51.23%  
  25 Sxxxxx, Rob         Production  Minor  166.4657  48.95%
  26 Gxxxxx, Jerry       Limited     Major  159.1847  46.81%
  27 Pxxxxx, Tom         Revolver    Major  156.7239  46.09%
  28 Fxxxxx, Michael     Production  Minor  152.5504  44.86%   
  29 Hxxxxx, Ray         Production  Minor   59.2119  17.41%

Clarification: weak hand or strong hand shots means that you cannot use the other hand to support the shooting arm. An arm is defined as "an upper limb from shoulder to hand"...

December 8th, 2013 Registration

Sunday match registration

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 12/08/2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 4th, 2013 Registration

As a reminder: Alpha Range members can register starting at 8AM.

Eventbrite - McHenry IPSC Match - 12/04/2013


Classifier is going to be "Bang and Clang"

Other Stages

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