Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8th Results

We feel that the weekend match concept worked out rather well - in the future we're going to continue with it. When we get the next dates, I'll be sure to post on the calendar.

Thanks for everyone chipping in - it is much appreciated!

Lastly - we may have another slot for the 2014 Single Stack Nationals? Anyone interested?
(Gotta hurry since advanced reg is only good until 12/31!)

Place Name             Division     PF L  Points   Stg %   
   1 Axxxxx, Dimitri   Production  Minor  399.4660 100.00%
   2 Sxxxxx, Josep     Limited     Major  397.9910  99.63%
   3 Kxxxxx, Max       Limited     Major  345.0314  86.37%  
   4 Sxxxxx, Mark      Single Stk  Major  333.3144  83.44%
   5 Cxxxxx, Jason     Production  Minor  332.8677  83.33%
   6 Kxxxxx, Chris     Open        Major  325.0000  81.36% 
   7 Bxxxxx, Pabl      Production  Minor  322.3391  80.69%
   8 Ixxxxx, Alex      Production  Minor  299.6970  75.02%   
   9 Kxxxxx, Milan     Production  Minor  289.1297  72.38%
  10 Rxxxxx, David     Production  Minor  283.2909  70.92%
  11 Nxxxxx, Ed        Production  Minor  280.3453  70.18%
  12 Axxxxx, Tony      Limited 10  Major  268.0389  67.10%  
  13 Rxxxxx, Herb      Open        Minor  241.0657  60.35%  
  14 Hxxxxx, Steve     Production  Minor  235.0537  58.84%
  15 Jxxxxx, Goran     Production  Minor  231.3895  57.92%
  16 Kxxxxx, Emil      Production  Minor  227.6981  57.00% 
  17 Dxxxxx, Luke      Production  Minor  224.9971  56.32%
  18 Bxxxxx, Terry     Production  Minor  218.9532  54.81%  
  19 Pxxxxx, Tom       Revolver    Major  178.0637  44.58% 
  20 Dxxxxx, Linda     Production  Minor  175.6811  43.98%
  21 Fxxxxx, Laura     Production  Minor  114.5712  28.68%    

1 comment:

Alex Ilic said...

Great time on Sunday! I would definitely attend when the family calendar allows. Thanks again for a great match...

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