Check PractiScore link:
Proposed by-law change:
"The McHenry IPSC Shooting Society can shoot continuously through the year, but has traditionally shot October to May."
Propose to amend it to:
"The McHenry IPSC Shooting Society can shoot continuously through the year, but has traditionally shot October to May. The Executive Board shall review gross receipts in order not to exceed the "small organization" filing requirements."
Tony Amici has decided to throw his hat in the ring and is running for President.
Kerry Dean is the incumbent.
Feel free to ask questions and get responses via the comments below.
Tony mentioned "other events" - a few of our limitations are:
A.) We need folks to be members - we cannot open to the general public.
B.) We cannot charge for events other than our IPSC events (part of our mission statement)
With this in mind, my questions are:
1.) How do we expect to grow our membership?
2.) What other events would we like to see?
As president will you make sure no one has to shoot a classifier cold? And that Les has to shoot all Classifiers if he participates in a match.
Considering the time we have to run 4 stages on a Wednesday nite, I do not see adding more than 27 to rosters. Using last nite as a example, Squad 2 which had a issue logging scores for correct stage, caused the entire nite to run past 11p. Several folks left, before having the ability to shoot final stage.
I would lobby to maintain our 27 cap, not breach funds allowed by our 501.7 status, and continue to offer a quality experience for our members.
Kerry Dean
Firstly thanks Les for giving me an opportunity to talk without robbing the shooting body from a fun filled night. Sorry if I went on and on rambling last night. As far as "other events," what I was referring to was continued shooting during the summer season and may be more weekend shoots. Guys I've always said that this is "our" club and you, we, only get out what we put in. Thanks to everyone who steped up last night. I know we all have jobs to get to so I appreciate all the help. In regards to our delay last night, stuff happens. All you regulars know that yesterday was not typical. What I would like to see weather or not I become prez. is an increase in our roster. If we run say 2 more shooters per squad are we really going to be crunched? I say let's see! There's nothing worse than seeing "sold out" on eventbrite. With help from Les, kerry has taken the club into the present, but we need to look at where we want to go. What if we can keep the stages fun and quicker to setup? What if we can get a few more shooters on the line each night? What if we can pick up a new insurance carrier to drop our premiums which in turn could drop our entry fee? I've contacted another insurance carrier who is interested in a meeting to try to earn our business.
Let's raise the bar!
End of season final event.
Imagine hosting an Invitational for all Northern Illinois USPSA ToP Gun shooters who qualify to compete in our event hosted at Alpha.
5 clubs in Northern Illinois Section, top 2 shooters in each division who come together to battle for TOP GUN Honors for thier Club?
Its a Battle to take home the CUP.
Not so interested in a final event: Let the major matches determine that.
Additionally, we've got a duty to our club and our regulars to put on a good final and then hit a vote for our club.
We're generally running 30 shooters a night and that has worked out well - spring time, especially with the start of the outdoor season, has traditionally seen our numbers drop...
If our club was a monthly only, Sunday match we probably could be more creative. The participation we have bi weekly is pretty awesome. It seems to be just right, not to crowded, improving, and safety conscious shooters. Our current prez is a customer focused small business owner that is passionate about our club and he thinks about the little things that make everything run smooth. If a new president is about change just to change than that is not so great an idea. If club members had a good idea I am sure Kerry would implement it. Maybe the only thing we need is for Kerry to give club members more access to himself to express there ideas. Maybe a prompt at sign up for ideas, things to bitch about, or complements about the last match stages, etc...
What are the club Presidents duties?
As for the size of the match, the weekday matches seem good. Yes, some matches get sold out in minutes, but then others have tickets available for a couple of days. Is it possible to start the matches a bit earlier? 6-6:30?
As for the weekend matches, I think you can open up to more shooters? Also, what about increasing to 6 stages instead of 4? Is that feasible?
As for "other events", does IPSC have multi-gun rules?
First of all, good to see multiple people wanting to run and contribute to the club's well being. It's good to see member involvement, as I think it's a sign of strength.
I'm all for growing membership, but I think it's important to maintain a safe environment as well as the club's integrity. Fall and Winter the tickets sell out fast, but as we've headed towards Spring (I know, we really have not had much of one yet) it seems like more and more people are shooting outdoors. I think the 26-30 shooters per match is ideal, and we've seen more shooters start to come as the club has added weekend matches.
As far as new events, I'd be interested to see if enough people would be interested in a Bi-Monthly Steel Challenge event. I'd be hesitant to try more, simply because it is a private range, and members pay for access, with new events I think we need to be mindful of the relationship with Alpha. A club that is not growing and adding new members is in decay.
My question for the candidates is simple. We have the same small group of people come early and help set-up, and it's usually the same people who stay to clean up, and who paste. I've always felt you get into a club what you put into it, but it is frustrating at times watching the same people come late, shoot and scoot, and be the first ones at BWW to eat and drink. How about asking people to help set-up one or two matches a year?
As far as adding stages to the weekend, I'm not a big fan. It takes away from Alpha members who want to shoot. More for the sake of more is not always a good thing, look at McIDPA.
Bottom line, this is a fabulous club, and I like hearing positive growth ideas. The hard work that people put in is why the club is as successful as it is. Kudos to all of you.
1.) The duties of the president are laid out in the By-Laws (to the right as a PDF). Additionally, they handle the insurance paperwork, business paperwork, re-affiliation, etc.
2.) MultiGun events: It takes way longer to run 10 shooter through a MG event than pistol. We've been organized as a primarily pistol only club and I think there is value in keeping it that way. Additionally, there are noise restrictions after 7PM on long guns.
3.) There is some trouble starting matches earlier - back at On Target we messed around with an early/late flights and it really didn't work out well. Basically, since we have to change over, both flights would have to eat that (which leads to some fairness questions about setup). Additionally, if you just wanted to start earlier, a lot of folks can't make it by 6:00-6:30. (I'm one of those folks)
4.) About setup: This is the age old question: how to get folks to pick up slack?
NISA is trying out a creative solution - that might be the way to do it. Personally, I've liked being able to delegate a lot more at the end of the night to folks regarding clean up and etc. I think a lot of folks that leave early just don't know what is expected of them at the end of the night...
As for setup - This is a tougher question since some folks just can't commit and make it that early... Not sure.
The question put at top of this thread should be discussed:
"How do we grow our membership"
We are ambassadors’ of our club and sport. New people need to be brought into our sport and into our club. To do this I entertain sometimes daily inquiries from individuals seeking to know more about what we do. This process is our normal method of engagement followed by in person visit with individuals prior to a match. From this, new people evolve into our club requirements prior to stepping into our match. Here's the item to address: Adding a registration for NEW shooters who have passed all previous requirements. This spot could allow for registration for only the NEW club shooter. We make registration active so they can not be out bid by seasoned shooters who sit by computer and take all available spots. If this NEW shooter spot does not get taken by Tuesday 8a, it opens to general audiance who may have missed the sunday 8p due to Sold Out status.
Personally, I hate the NISA new rule on set up. I currently help set up stages at 2 clubs. This past wknd at Pine Tree, Mike B & I were the only ones doing set up...The last thing I want to do is get up 2 hrs early, Drive to NISA, set a stg and shoot.
I would let the peeps that show up to set up shoot for free and every time they do, they get entered in a raffle at the end of the year to win a gun or something.
I too would like to see the club grow but I see increasing the number of shooters a safety issue and more headaches.
I am in favor of wknd matches even during the summer tho.
I like Kozy's suggestion in terms of set-up. Early season and winter I remember quite a few nights (pre-match) where there were only 2-3 of us setting stages, and that was not a lot of fun. A "free-ticket" is nice, but from my point of view it's a few bucks that the club can make use of. Now if there was an end of year gun raffle or something like that, people would get a free entry ticket for, that would be great. Set-up an event and get a "free ticket". No Beretta prize though! ;)
I know not everyone is able to make it to do that, and now that it's spring my schedule has gotten busier, so it's harder for me to get there early as well. I'm not looking to see compulsory work, but I really wish it did not have to be the same few people who set-up most matches.
Again, echoing Kozy a monthly weekend match in the Summer would be nice. I know more people want outdoors, but once a month (not conflicting with NISA/OPSC) would be great. Even a Saturday evening match in the summer would be nice.
The new shooter ticket idea is interesting but my initial thought is that taking more slots from regular members probably isn't the way to go. If the issue is matches selling out quickly it's because we have valued members who are filling those slots. I'm all for growing the sport and encouraging new shooters but I'd hate to see it come at the expense of those that are established.
We originally went to online sales since we wanted this system to be fairly equitable in the manner it distributes tickets.
I think it has worked so far...
I shot the first NISA event with the new rule. It was excellent. Everyone was there on time and setup took 40 minutes. Many hands make light work. As far as all the other ideas. Sounds like cabin fever to me. Check out willshoot there are events happening all over the place.
Al B
Morning everyone.
As I read all current posts, common thread falls on the few for set up and tear down. We are a team of shooters in our club. Together we make the experience enjoyable for all. We encourage, tease and have a fun time together afew times a month. But, set up and tear down are being discussed. So as I seek a solution, the thoughts of set up and tear down teams per match come to mind. Set up and tear down teams are chosen by MD, and posted. This group will be allowed guarenteed sign up on next match. Each match a new group will be posted the morning of the match. They will be responsible for thier duties and must check MISS site the day of match when MD posts names.
Further discussion?
"Set up and tear down teams are chosen by MD, and posted. This group will be allowed guarenteed sign up on next match. Each match a new group will be posted the morning of the match. They will be responsible for thier duties and must check MISS site the day of match when MD posts names. "
I don't like this idea.
We've tried to get folks to commit ahead of time - choosing people out of blue doesn't actually work so well (commute, etc...)
I don't know a good solution to this problem - I think just having some good guys come early, maybe get a guaranteed slot and a beer at the end is most realistic.
Our biggest difference from NISA or etc is that we have a limited # of stages we run - on 2 bays... Usually, a few hands can handle it the hour preceding the match.
gentleman, I do not have all the answers. I have suggestions, and a willingness to listen to whatever you guys might suggest. What I do know is that if somebody doesn't pull their own weight,I promise to browbeat the hell out of them until either they quit or they pitch in.
Vote for Pedro!!!!
How about a no handling firearms or loading mags until stages are set. No one should be at the safe area until the match director signs off on the stages.
Much has been written about individuals not pulling their weight for set up and tear down.
I believe that encouragement which breeds the willingness to help should be fostered. We are a club of great people who share a common thread.......USPSA competition, laughter and high speed low drag shooting and members.
So I propose to speak directly to those who are not pulling weight and work for a good solution which will promote involvement and more help for all.
If you have those who need this discussion, forward names and contact info. to club contact address:
I will continue my efforts to make our club and membership fun and enjoyable for all. Ker
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