Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scores for 5/3/2012 & Info

Had a couple of new shooter out - Josh M. and Matt M. - hope you guys come back!
Results are, of course, already posted on USPSA and the classifier submitted.
Before we charge ahead into the scores, I've uploaded a tentative copy of proposed bylaws up to Google Docs. Check 'em out here.
Tom P. has already made several suggestions that the Range Master and Match Director should also be elected positions. I think this is a great idea and will edit the doc when I get a chance. If you have anything to add regarding these proposed bylaws, please contact me or post a comment below.
The following folks are, at this point eligible to vote on the 31st:
Gxxx, Dan     
Mxxx, Robert   
Sxxx, Marvin    
Cxxx, Matt        
Rxxx, Herb        
Nxxx, Ed        
Bxxx, Allen        
Dxxx, Scott     
Mxxx, Fred       
Sxxx, Douglas     
Dxxx, Gerry       
Mxxx, Bob        
Rxxx, Kenneth      
Exxx, Jim    
Bxxx, Mikhail  
Fxxx, Michael       
Gxxx, Lynn      
Axxx, Tony        
Cxxx, Frank        
Hxxx, Courtney   
Kxxx, Leslie 
Kxxx, Chris      
Bxxx, Larry      
Cxxx, William     
Gxxx, Jerry     
Kxxx, Emil       
Dxxx, Kerry        
Sxxx, Rob        
Bxxx, William 
Jxxx, Chris      
Pxxx, Tom

Lastly, OnTarget may be opening this weekend - if you're in the area, consider being a good neighbor and checking it out?

Stage: 1  The Narrows
Place Name            Division    Pts  Pen Time   Hit Fact
    1 Kxxx, Leslie    Production  116   0  18.21   6.3701 
    2 Kxxx, Chris     Production  104   0  20.23   5.1409 
    3 Bxxx, Mikhail   Production   93  10  16.96   4.8939 
    4 Bxxx, Larry     Limited     111   0  23.00   4.8261 
    5 Gxxx, Dan       Limited     100  10  20.31   4.4313 
    6 Bxxx, Allen     Limited     108   0  26.34   4.1002 
    7 Pxxx, Tom       Limited 10  116   0  29.73   3.9018 
    8 Sxxx, Rob       Production  100   0  27.30   3.6630 
    9 Cxxx, William   Production  110   0  31.67   3.4733 
   10 Txxx, Dave      Production  120   0  35.36   3.3937 
   11 Jxxx, Chris     Limited 10  107  10  28.74   3.3751 
   12 Kxxx, Emil      Production   92  20  21.58   3.3364 
   13 Bxxx, Tom       Production  100   0  30.44   3.2852 
   14 Ixxx, Alex      Production   94  20  22.61   3.2729 
   15 Axxx, Tony      Production  107  10  29.67   3.2693 
   16 Bxxx, Terry     Production  106   0  32.47   3.2646 
   17 Bxxx, William   Production   86  20  22.47   2.9372 
   18 Gxxx, Lynn      Limited 10  103  10  32.36   2.8739 
   19 Hxxx, Courtney  Production   92   0  34.43   2.6721 
   20 Cxxx, Frank     Single Stk  111  10  38.07   2.6530 
   21 Sxxx, Julie     Limited 10  107   0  43.53   2.4581 
   22 Mxxx, Josh      Production  111  10  42.32   2.3866 
   23 Jxxx, Kevin     Production   99  10  40.83   2.1798 
   24 Fxxx, Michael   Production   95  10  41.76   2.0354 
   25 Mxxx, Matt      Production   93  40  30.34   1.7469 
   26 Rxxx, Eric      Limited 10   97  30  38.60   1.7358 
   27 Oxxx, Chris     Production   91  50  35.73   1.1475 
Stage: 2  Works For Me                                          
Place Name            Division    Pts  Pen Time   Hit Fact
    1 Kxxx, Leslie    Production   54   0   6.86   7.8717 
    2 Gxxx, Dan       Limited      54   0   7.87   6.8615 
    3 Bxxx, Mikhail   Production   58   0   9.11   6.3666 
    4 Dxxx, Kerry     Production   50   0   7.94   6.2972 
    5 Bxxx, Larry     Limited      54   0   9.45   5.7143 
    6 Kxxx, Chris     Production   42   0   8.82   4.7619 
    7 Bxxx, William   Production   48   0  10.26   4.6784 
    8 Pxxx, Tom       Limited 10   48   0  10.52   4.5627 
    9 Ixxx, Alex      Production   54   0  13.26   4.0724 
   10 Bxxx, Terry     Production   52   0  12.77   4.0720 
   11 Cxxx, William   Production   58   0  14.61   3.9699 
   12 Fxxx, Michael   Production   46   0  11.78   3.9049 
   13 Kxxx, Emil      Production   44   0  11.49   3.8294 
   14 Txxx, Dave      Production   54   0  14.49   3.7267 
   15 Bxxx, Tom       Production   48   0  13.87   3.4607 
   16 Hxxx, Courtney  Production   47  10  10.81   3.4228 
   17 Axxx, Tony      Production   52   0  16.52   3.1477 
   18 Mxxx, Josh      Production   56   0  18.34   3.0534 
   19 Jxxx, Chris     Limited 10   39  10  10.36   2.7992 
   20 Sxxx, Rob       Production   45  10  13.06   2.6799 
   21 Oxxx, Chris     Production   41  10  12.90   2.4031 
   22 Sxxx, Julie     Limited 10   49  10  16.49   2.3651 
   23 Jxxx, Kevin     Production   47  10  15.83   2.3373 
   24 Cxxx, Frank     Single Stk   46  10  16.02   2.2472 
   25 Gxxx, Lynn      Limited 10   44  20  11.43   2.0997 
   26 Bxxx, Allen     Limited      41  20  11.12   1.8885 
   27 Mxxx, Matt      Production   30  20  15.11   0.6618 
   28 Rxxx, Eric      Limited 10   28  30  15.73   0.0000 
Printed: 05/04/2012 11:52 PM                                              


DarkAerie said...

How does one apply to be considered for membership and maintain active membership if qualification is based on participation in at least 5 shooting matches with the group? As we all know, slots are limited for matches and registration is done in almost a blink of an eye. I have been trying to sign up for a match since the one time I shot with the group but can't seem to catch a break with the registration slot limitation. Any ideas?

Les said...

How does one apply to be considered for membership and maintain active membership if qualification is based on participation in at least 5 shooting matches with the group?

Sorry it took so long to respond - spent the weekend away from the computer...

I understand that concern, which is why, first and foremost, we're really trying to find out about new venue opportunities. The cap on registration is a necessary safety feature, mainly because of the constraints that the range puts on us.

There is little that I can do regarding the convenience: yes it sells out fast, but others seem to be able to jump on fairly consistently. (We've had a few new shooters at the last two matches too...)

Lastly, regarding the "Membership" perspective - keep in my that "Membership" really only decides who can vote in the club election at the end of the season - there are no other benefits...

DarkAerie said...

Thanks for the insight. I'll keep on trying with the registration and look forward to it.

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