Friday, February 8, 2013

Scores for Feb 6th, 2013

Speedy recovery to Gerry D! Hope your shoulder feels better soon!

Place Name           Division     Points   Stg %      
   1 KXXXX,  Leslie  Production   356.6189 100.00%
   2 DXXXX,  Kerry   Production   323.8987  90.82%      
   3 BXXXX,  Mikhail Limited      267.6758  75.06%  
   4 TXXXX,  Bryan   Open         263.4611  73.88%    
   5 BXXXX,  Allen   Limited      239.3409  67.11%      
   6 AXXXX,  Tony    Limited 10   234.1842  65.67%     
   7 CXXXX,  Jason   Production   232.2531  65.13%   
   8 DXXXX,  Russell Single Stk   231.4096  64.89%   
   9 CXXXX,  Will    Production   222.8205  62.48%     
  10 kXXXX,  Milan   Production   211.2399  59.23% 
  11 LXXXX,  Luis    Production   205.0303  57.49%    
  12 BXXXX,  Robbie  Production   198.8431  55.76% 
  13 NXXXX,  Ed      Production   191.4741  53.69%   
  14 CXXXX,  Chris   Production   189.5675  53.16%    
  15 JXXXX,  Chris   Production   186.3757  52.26%    
  16 PXXXX,  Tom     Single Stk   184.2128  51.66%    
  17 JXXXX,  Eli     Production   183.5536  51.47%  
  18 BXXXX,  Terry   Production   182.1605  51.08%     
  19 BXXXX,  Stefan  Limited      176.5994  49.52%   
  20 MXXXX,  Frank   Limited      175.3342  49.17%   
  21 KXXXX,  Emil    Production   160.7253  45.07%    
  22 CXXXX,  Frank   Single Stk   156.5625  43.90%      
  23 AXXXX,  Dimitry Production   151.8491  42.58% 
  24 SXXXX,  Ralph   Production   134.5601  37.73%      
  25 MXXXX,  Bob     Single Stk   115.8854  32.50%    
  26 DXXXX,  Gerry   Production   102.0966  28.63%     
  27 HXXXX,  Richard Production   101.5370  28.47%    
  28 FXXXX,  Mike    Production    88.7265  24.88%   
  29 DXXXX,  Scott   Production    85.6931  24.03%   
  30 MXXXX,  John    Revolver      71.2697  19.98%  
  31 GXXXX,  Lynn    Production    64.2881  18.03%   
  32 KXXXX,  Clint   Production    58.5830  16.43%    
  33 DXXXX,  Luke    Production    46.9385  13.16%  
  34 MXXXX,  Rob     Limited        0.0000   0.00%  


Unknown said...

Thanks a ton for getting the scores up so fast,,,,,way faster than pinesol!

Unknown said...

Tree bark needs to HTFU!!! Get well soon Gerry,,,,,and HTFU!!

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