Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 1st, 2013 Results

Thank you to Kozy for providing the Chrono! With larger majors around the corner, it is nice to know that the ammo we're shooting is going to make power factor.

Additionally, in a month we're planning our move over to the Alpha Range - expect to shoot some more par-time steel/all steel matches as we figure out the wall situation over there.


Place Name              Division    PF     Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris       Open        Major  235.0000 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx, Leslie      Production  Minor  203.9270  86.78%
   3 Bxxxx, Allen       Limited     Major  171.3983  72.94% 
   4 Bxxxx, Pabl        Single Stk  Major  154.5318  65.76%
   5 Axxxx, Dimitry     Production  Minor  150.5836  64.08%
   6 Oxxxx, Russ        Single Stk  Major  149.8612  63.77%
   7 Jxxxx, Eli         Production  Minor  148.6710  63.26%
   8 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10  Major  140.7292  59.88%
   9 Cxxxx, Will        Production  Minor  133.2951  56.72%
  10 Pxxxx, Tom         Single Stk  Major  132.2919  56.29%
  11 Jxxxx, Chris       Limited 10  Major  116.6086  49.62%
  12 Dxxxx, Russell     Production  Minor  107.6705  45.82%
  13 Kxxxx, Michael     Production  Minor  102.0334  43.42%
  14 Axxxx, Helmut      Limited     Major   89.6917  38.17%
  15 Dxxxx, Luke        Production  Minor   81.4358  34.65%
  16 Mxxxx, Frank       Single Stk  Major   80.7118  34.35%
  17 Bxxxx, Robbie      Production  Minor   75.3129  32.05%
  18 Dxxxx, Richard     Production  Minor   74.8915  31.87%
  19 Hxxxx, Rick        Limited 10  Major   66.1292  28.14%
  20 Pxxxx, Jayson      Limited 10  Major   64.9384  27.63% 
  21 Hxxxx, Tony        Limited     Major   54.8169  23.33%
  22 Dxxxx, Gerry       Limited     Minor   48.1550  20.49%
  23 Rxxxx, Leroy       Production  Minor   44.7542  19.04%
  24 Cxxxx, Frank       Single Stk  Major   43.6738  18.58% 

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