Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th, 2014 Results

Dunno when the next weekend match is going to be... Trying to figure that out now.
Next match after Kozy and I get back from the Florida Open!

Place Name              Division      Points   Stg %   
   1 Kxxxx, Chris       Open          450.0477 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx, Les         Production    442.1451  98.24%
   3 Gxxxx, Mike        Single Stk    380.1147  84.46% 
   4 Cxxxx, Jason       Limited       376.7685  83.72%
   5 Bxxxx, Allen       Single Stk    323.5179  71.89%  
   6 Sxxxx, NEIL        Single Stk    305.1810  67.81%
   7 Sxxxx, Josep       Limited       304.4962  67.66%
   8 Gxxxx, Steve       Limited       304.3846  67.63% 
   9 Lxxxx, Scott       Open          303.3845  67.41%
  10 Axxxx, Anthony     Production    300.0873  66.68%
  11 Nxxxx, Ed          Production    256.1830  56.92%
  12 Bxxxx, Terry       Production    255.2310  56.71% 
  13 Ixxxx, Alex        Production    240.4818  53.43%  
  14 Sxxxx, Mark        Single Stk    221.0298  49.11%
  15 Sxxxx, Ricardo     Production    218.2408  48.49%
  16 Rxxxx, David       Production    206.6816  45.92%
  17 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10    195.5798  43.46% 
  18 Mxxxx, Bob         Single Stk    192.8889  42.86%
  19 Sxxxx, Ken         Production    186.5038  41.44% 
  20 Rxxxx, Mark        Limited 10    172.3655  38.30%
  21 Kxxxx, Matthew     Limited       165.7146  36.82%
  22 Kxxxx, Max         Limited       160.7671  35.72% 
  23 Pxxxx, Tom         Revolver      153.9915  34.22%
  24 Dxxxx, Luke        Production    147.5781  32.79%
  25 Kxxxx, Emil        Production    140.1314  31.14%
  26 Bxxxx, Michael     Production    138.4455  30.76%
  27 Hxxxx, Steve       Production    134.7262  29.94%
  28 Dxxxx, Linda       Production    131.5739  29.24%
  29 Mxxxx, John        Production    130.5826  29.02%
  30 Txxxx, Dennis      Production    112.0712  24.90%

Pretty awesome vid of one of the shooters running a stage!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was really very well done! Congratulations.

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