Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013 Scores

Halloween 2013 take 2
Match Date: 10/30/2013

Place Name              Division      Points   Stg %
   1 Mxxxx, Mike        Limited       418.5176 100.00%
   2 Kxxxx, Les         Production    410.6855  98.13%
   3 Kxxxx, Chris       Open          391.8616  93.63%
   4 Bxxxx, Allen       Limited       367.6305  87.84%
   5 Bxxxx, Mikhail     Limited       361.2164  86.31%
   6 Axxxx, Dimitry     Production    343.0200  81.96%
   7 Rxxxx, Herb        Limited       332.1247  79.36%
   8 Lxxxx, Rob         Production    329.7061  78.78%
   9 Dxxxx, Matt        Production    325.0700  77.67%
  10 Bxxxx, Terry       Production    317.3642  75.83%
  11 Mxxxx, Robert      Limited       307.2332  73.41%
  12 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10    301.7376  72.10%
  13 Kxxxx, Maxwell     Production    299.7068  71.61%
  14 Kxxxx, Michael     Limited       298.1635  71.24%
  15 Bxxxx, William     Production    274.0763  65.49%
  16 Rxxxx, Dave        Production    262.4597  62.71%
  17 Bxxxx, Larry       Production    258.4980  61.77%
  18 Cxxxx, WIll        Production    257.3795  61.50%
  19 Kxxxx, Emil        Production    255.3062  61.00%
  20 Sxxxx, Robert      Production    255.0090  60.93%
  21 Dxxxx, Luke        Production    252.1898  60.26%
  22 Sxxxx, Robert      Production    251.5568  60.11%
  23 Hxxxx, Rick        Limited 10    225.9785  53.99%
  24 Jxxxx, Chris       Limited 10    208.3733  49.79%
  25 Pxxxx, Tom         Single Stk    198.5121  47.43%
  26 Kxxxx, Ron         Production    190.5821  45.54%
  27 Bxxxx, Robert      Production    179.5515  42.90%
  28 Hxxxx, Steve       Production    176.7197  42.23%
  29 Cxxxx, Andy        Limited 10    163.9165  39.17%

Monday, October 28, 2013

Score for October 16th, 2013

Match Date: 10/16/2013

Place Name              Division       Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris       Open           360.0000 100.00%
   2 Lxxxx, Ralph       Open           322.8265  89.67%
   3 Bxxxx, Allen       Limited        297.3919  82.61%
   4 Jxxxx, Eli         Limited        276.8586  76.91%
   5 Rxxxx, Herb        Limited        261.6029  72.67%
   6 Kxxxx, Mike        Limited        241.4518  67.07%
   7 Axxxx, Dimitry     Production     234.9159  65.25%
   8 Bxxxx, Terry       Production     224.2073  62.28%
   9 Axxxx, Tony        Limited 10     221.5756  61.55%
  10 Jxxxx, Chris       Limited 10     220.6651  61.30%
  11 Kxxxx, Emil        Production     217.8549  60.52%
  12 Mxxxx, Rob         Limited        211.0698  58.63%
  13 Sxxxx, Rob         Production     206.1604  57.27%
  14 Cxxxx, Will        Production     204.6895  56.86%
  15 Bxxxx, Robby       Production     201.4601  55.96%
  16 Cxxxx, Andy        Limited 10     201.4463  55.96%
  17 Dxxxx, Luke        Production     200.1727  55.60%
  18 Bxxxx, Stefan      Limited        195.3336  54.26%
  19 Sxxxx, Rob         Production     187.9948  52.22%
  20 Hxxxx, Rick        Limited 10     177.0154  49.17%
  21 Bxxxx, John        Single Stk     173.3718  48.16%
  22 Bxxxx, Larry       Limited 10     173.1408  48.09%
  23 Exxxx, Bill        Production     172.7313  47.98%
  24 Hxxxx, Tony        Limited        147.8293  41.06%
  25 Cxxxx, Frank       Single Stk     134.4132  37.34%
  26 Fxxxx, Mike        Production       0.0000   0.00%

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Back to Nationals!

Rolling out to Tulsa, OK with Alex G and Matt D. to blast USPSA Production Nationals!

I know we'll bump into this guy:

Tom Palmer - Handling an arbitration... 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 2nd, 2013 Results

At the end of every match, we'll also post to - You'll have to search a bit, but it'll get the interim scores posted quickly. (I'll try to keep MISS in the title)

Place Name            Division     Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxx, Chris     Open         345.3754 100.00%
   2 Bxxxx, Mikhail   Limited      296.0476  85.72%
   3 Kxxxx, Leslie    Production   273.9089  79.31%
   4 Bxxxx, Allen     Limited      250.5382  72.54%
   5 Bxxxx, Larry     Limited      247.0583  71.53%
   6 Rxxxx, Herb      Limited      235.9797  68.33%
   7 Txxxx, Amici     Limited 10   234.1141  67.79%
   8 Axxxx, Dimitri   Production   231.3469  66.98%
   9 Cxxxx, Jay       Production   229.8586  66.55%
  10 Fxxxx, Mike      Production   216.6604  62.73%
  11 Ixxxx, Alex      Production   212.8345  61.62%
  12 Lxxxx, Rob       Production   203.5907  58.95%
  13 Bxxxx, Aaron     Limited      202.6476  58.67%
  14 Cxxxx, Bill      Production   199.5102  57.77%
  15 Bxxxx, Robby     Production   198.7764  57.55%
  16 Pxxxx, Tom       Single Stk   185.2316  53.63%
  17 Sxxxx, Ken       Limited      183.9090  53.25%
  18 Kxxxx, Mike      Limited      176.3654  51.06%
  19 Bxxxx, Thomas    Production   173.0731  50.11%
  20 Jxxxx, Chris     Limited 10   172.6689  49.99%
  21 Sxxxx, Rob       Production   171.9952  49.80%
  22 Bxxxx, Terry     Production   163.5449  47.35%
  23 Hxxxx, Rick      Limited 10   159.9713  46.32%
  24 Hxxxx, Tony      Limited      159.5343  46.19%
  25 Dxxxx, Luke      Production   149.4484  43.27%
  26 Sxxxx, Rob       Production   138.4202  40.08%
  27 Cxxxx, Frank     Single Stk   129.9471  37.62%
  28 Hxxxx, Steve     Production   111.6263  32.32%
  29 Mxxxx, Rob       Production   107.8647  31.23%

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