Monday, November 25, 2013

Attention... Attention... Attention...

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We sincerely hope that you have a safe and restful holiday!
  2. We will be allowing Alpha Range members to register a bit earlier for the USPSA matches - starting at 8AM on Sunday.
  3. We're going to "test run" a Sunday morning match on December 8th, 2013 at 8AM. Registration will open up the Thursday before the match at 8PM. Alpha Range member will be able to register starting at 8AM.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013 Scores

Pizza HO Match

Place Name               Division       Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxxx, Chris       Open           526.3154 100.00%
   2 Kxxxxx, Les         Production     517.9835  98.42%
   3 Axxxxx, Dimitry     Production     447.0413  84.94%
   4 Bxxxxx, Allen       Limited        426.4028  81.02%  
   5 Bxxxxx, Mikhail     Limited        426.1396  80.97%
   6 Dxxxxx, Russell     Production     400.4716  76.09%
   7 Jxxxxx, Eli         Limited        393.7849  74.82%
   8 Dxxxxx, Kerry       Production     393.3696  74.74%  
   9 Lxxxxx, Rob         Production     367.8610  69.89% 
  10 Kxxxxx, Maxwell     Limited        355.5395  67.55% 
  11 Rxxxxx, Herb        Open           342.1166  65.00% 
  12 Mxxxxx, Robert      Limited        338.6665  64.35%
  13 Rxxxxx, David       Production     336.7474  63.98%
  14 Bxxxxx, Terry       Limited 10     329.1563  62.54% 
  15 Fxxxxx, Michael     Production     323.3831  61.44%   
  16 Jxxxxx, Chris       Limited 10     318.5471  60.52%
  17 Kxxxxx, Michael     Limited        317.6767  60.36%
  18 Cxxxxx, Andy        Limited 10     300.8492  57.16%
  19 Kxxxxx, Emil        Production     298.2655  56.67%
  20 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production     277.5834  52.74%
  21 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production     235.7204  44.79%
  22 Sxxxxx, Kenneth     Limited        219.7413  41.75% 
  23 Hxxxxx, Steve       Production     217.3381  41.29%
  24 Pxxxxx, Tom         Revolver       216.0543  41.05%
  25 Hxxxxx, Rick        Limited 10     215.9942  41.04%
  26 Bxxxxx, Larry       Single Stk     211.5496  40.19%
  27 Dxxxxx, Luke        Production     164.1836  31.19%
  28 Kxxxxx, Ron         Production     141.5123  26.89%
  29 Hxxxxx, Ray         Production      28.9717   5.50%

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 6th, 2013 Scores

Place Name               Division      Points   Stg %
   1 Kxxxxx, Chris       Open          450.0000 100.00%
   2 Bxxxxx, Allen       Limited       358.9141  79.76%  
   3 Mxxxxx, Mike        Limited       349.8129  77.74% 
   4 Dxxxxx, Matt        Production    319.1131  70.91%
   5 Axxxxx, Dimitry     Production    284.2347  63.16%
   6 Axxxxx, Tony        Limited 10    262.2026  58.27% 
   7 Kxxxxx, Maxwell     Limited       256.5255  57.01% 
   8 Bxxxxx, Terry       Production    251.8718  55.97% 
   9 Jxxxxx, Chris       Limited 10    221.1205  49.14%
  10 Mxxxxx, Robert      Limited       219.8937  48.87%
  11 Bxxxxx, Larry       Production    219.0426  48.68%
  12 Ixxxxx, Alex        Production    218.9851  48.66%  
  13 Kxxxxx, Emil        Production    216.8762  48.19%
  14 Bxxxxx, William     Production    207.7182  46.16%
  15 Cxxxxx, Andy        Single Stk    200.6969  44.60%
  16 Rxxxxx, David       Production    194.1703  43.15%
  17 Hxxxxx, Steve       Production    194.0331  43.12%
  18 Dxxxxx, Luke        Production    190.6698  42.37%
  19 Rxxxxx, Herb        Limited       180.1828  40.04% 
  20 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production    176.7862  39.29%
  21 Sxxxxx, Robert      Production    175.0702  38.90%
  22 Bxxxxx, Rob         Production    173.5996  38.58% 
  23 Gxxxxx, Connor      Production    158.1958  35.15%
  24 Cxxxxx, Frank       Single Stk    139.7218  31.05%  
  25 Kxxxxx, Les         Production    137.5525  30.57%
  26 Pxxxxx, Tom         Revolver      136.8219  30.40%

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