Monday, November 25, 2013

Attention... Attention... Attention...

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We sincerely hope that you have a safe and restful holiday!
  2. We will be allowing Alpha Range members to register a bit earlier for the USPSA matches - starting at 8AM on Sunday.
  3. We're going to "test run" a Sunday morning match on December 8th, 2013 at 8AM. Registration will open up the Thursday before the match at 8PM. Alpha Range member will be able to register starting at 8AM.


Robby said...

So if you are not a MISS member but you are a range member, you get to sign up earlier and bump a regular MISS member. That does not seem right to me.

Didn't we vote no proposed changes like this at one time?

Robby said...

I meant to say:
Didn't we vote ON proposed changes like this at one time?

Les said...

I understand the reservation with this situation but have to point out that Alpha members that wish to compete must still be USPSA members in order to participate.

Additionally, most people that participate and are Alpha members are already longstanding MISS members.

Anonymous said...

Robby said...
"Didn't we vote ON proposed changes like this at one time?"

MISS bylaws define "regular members" as those of us who have shot in 5 of the last 10 matches. Regular members vote only for the officers. The officers have the freedom to do whatever they feel is in the best interest of the club (and aside from this decision I believe they have done that 110%).

My fear is that we non-alphas will be stripped of our MISS memberships by making it impossible to meet the 5 of 10 match requirement. Effectively, we'll be fighting for the few "guest" spots that the alpha members don't fill.

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